Guess who's back!

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Getting ready for school that day was tough. I couldn't stop thinking about that dream I had. I wore something reasonable awesome ( Yellow sundress) and then i remembered that my dad loves yellow. So....I changed into an orange sundress. Well I woke up Gemma and Jenny at 6:00 and dragged them out of their sleeping bags and told them to get ready.

At 6:30, we were all at the table eating mac 'n' cheese. My mum was beaming for some reason and Caira kept pestering her about what she's so happy about.  Gemma and Jenny are just sitting there AWESTRUCK by the conversation.

"You guys are so cute!"

I just got so pissed, " What's so cute in that??"

" Just leave it"

"You girls! You're getting late for school!! Come on hurry up!"

" Yup Meg"

"Bye mom! There better be a surprise when I come back cuz you're beaming a lot!"



Nothing really happened at school. We just had to study and study and study. But I thought I saw someone I recognized in Mr. James' office. I just came home tired and worn out, ready to sleep. I opened the door and screamed," i'm ho-" But something/someone that I saw made me stop in the middle of my sentence.

"Hey Doll!"

"Aaaah! I-it's y-you! What're you doing here???!!!"

" I'm back!"

"Kev!!! I missed you so much!!"

" Same here Doll"

I couldn't believe my eyes. My bro was back! We both had a lot in common. We both were popular at our previous schools, we both connected a lot, I understood his girl problem, he understood my guy problems and we were twins so yay! 

"Guess what!!"

"Tell me!"

" I'm gonna be in your class at eagles high!"

" Oh, I knew I saw you in the prinicy's office today! But beware of-"

"Mr. Crowley's spit...yeah, i know"

I spent the whole day chatting with Kevin and catching up. All this got disrupted after a phone call. It was 7 in the evening and Kevin and I had just returned after a basketball game and the phone rang and Kev picked it up.


"Hey.....May I speak to Sarah??"

" Yeah, but who may this be?"

" Tell her it's her boyfriend.."

" Ummmm k?"

Then he turned to me. "Rah your boyfriend's on the line"

" My boyfriend?????"

I took the phone.

" Hello.. who's this??? I'm not your girlfriend..."

" It's Carter... sorry for the bf pun btw"

"ok... whaddya need??"

" A date with you this friday??"

"Ummm no..."

"C'mon babe we can have fun!"

"Ok. I'll go"


" Who was that??" Kevin asked suspiciously. 

There's one thing Kevin can't handle. Me having a boyfriend and not setting him up.

" Some guy asking me out"

" Uh huh"

" GTH! I'm gonna go talk to Jenny"

" Who's Jenny now??"

" My first friend at Eagles"



My disastrous phone call with Jenny:

" Hey Jen!"


" Guess what?! I'm goin out with Carter this friday!"

" Oh.............Cool....."

" You don't seem to be so happy by that.."

" I'm not..."

" Why?! What's up??"

" I like carter.... I told you that! And you went ahead and said yes even though you knew that?! You are such a B***h! I don't wanna talk to you or see your face!"


I wasn't able to sleep that night. I kept thinking about how I could forget about Jenny..... It was just wrong..... Tomorrow was Friday...... I couldn't blow a guy off at the last moment and neither could I hurt my friend... What was I supposed to do???

Kevin, who was sleeping on the upper bunk heard me groan and came down and forced me to tell him what happened. I pulled my tears back and explained it. He had a grin on is face the whole time.

" Don't you get how serious this is??!"

" I do! And I have a plan"

He whispered something into my ear and made me smile. It was the best idea I had ever heard! Anway I had a long day tomorrow so I had to sleep, but for the first time in 6 months, I slept with a grin on my face.


Hey guys!! Long time no see! My laptop was taken for repair right?! Well hope you like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2014 ⏰

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