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Dick couldn't believe this. His brother were telling him that they thought that their manor was haunted. He ran his fingers through his ebony hair as he thought about the past night.

Maybe they were right. 

There was blood on the walls, with the pictures, but they also could be pulling a prank. But he trust that his brothers wouldn't pull a prank like that.

After all, all of their parents were dead and Damian's were crazy.

So maybe, just maybe. He wasn't imagining things.

One reason he thought they were telling the truth, was because they were acting not like the annoying but sweet brothers that they were.

Jason was more jumpy and less carefree, Tim was looking around before he did anything, and Damian was eerily quiet.

Could it be Dick's own parents that were haunting them?

He quickly scratched out that idea. They didn't have any unfinished things to attend to.

And it couldn't be Jason's mom, she would be too drunk, even as ghost.

Tim's... maybe. But they didn't care enough about him to even make an effort to reach them.

So who would that leave? it couldn't be Bruce's parents either. Bruce wasn't even home. 

"I think you are right..." The oldest began, stuffing food in his mouth.

Jason stood up from the breakfast table in shock. "Your telling me... that you think were right?" he gaped.

Dick nodded, it was the only possible choice he could think of.

Tim sighed with relief. "Thank god, we need to call Bruce." Why hadn't he thought of that before?!

Dick mentally face palmed.

The acrobat took the phone, and dialed Bruce's number. The phone rung once, twice, three times, until he finally answered.

"What is it, i was in a meeting." Bruce growled quietly.

Dick chuckled nervously. "Well some things have been happening..." He began.

"Get to the point." Bruce interrupted his adopted son.

"We think that the house is haunted." he blurted out quickly.

"You... oh no. I should have known." Bruce mumbled.

"I'm on my way, stay right there." Bruce urgently said, an octave higher than his 'im batman' voice.

"Whats happening?" Dick asked.

"I know who it is. He has been there since he died. He seemed peaceful enough. I didn't think that he would strike right now." Bruce uncharacteristically rambled.

"What is it Bruce?" Dick asked.

"Look, there is a spirit. I know who it is." Bruce said.

"Who?" Dick asked again.

"I will tell you later, knowing who it is will only make things worse."


he hung up.

"He knows that there's a spirit here. He's coming." Dick told his younger brothers.

"He knew?!" Jason yelled angrily.

"But he said that it was only to keep us safe." Dick reasoned.

"What do we do now?" Tim asked

"We wait, and don't do anything." Dick answered.

"We wait? father should be smarter. This entity shall take the opportunity and pounce while were still alone"  Damian disagreed, scaring Dick.

Honestly, he forgot that he was there. "Calm down Dami, he should be here in an hour, what could happen?"

Dick's tone betrayed his feelings.


Dick really regretted saying that. Currently, him, Jason, and Tim, were running from an out of control Damian.

30 minuets after they called Bruce, they were all doing their own things. Tim was reading, Jason was cleaning all of the gun powder off his red hood costume and guns, Dick was watching tv and Damian was sharpening his daggers. 

Then all of a sudden, Damian started shaking, and writhing wildly as if trying to get free of something. But he wasn't winning, he fell to the floor, and continued to shake. His knifes scattered to the floor next to him.

Tim and Jason stepped away and Dick slowly made his way forward. 

Then all of a sudden, Damian stopped.

He slowly stood up, his face was downward, creating a shadow on his face. He grinned an unsettling grin, revealing his snow white teeth, but he shook his head.

And a look of urgency crossed on his creepy face.

"Run." He whispered.

Then he went back to evil mode, and threw a knife at him. 

Dick dodged it, the Knife sliced through the air past his shoulder nicking it, and embedding itself in a wall behind Tim.

Thanks to Jason's quick thinking, they prevented Damian from taking Tim by shooting Damian in the leg. Damian only shook it off, and the boys took this as a chance to run.

And now, they were hiding in Bruce's closet, with extra locks.

Just in case. 

Thank god Bruce was paranoid. 

Dick felt like his heart was beating out of his chest to where his two brothers could hear it.

If they did, they didn't mention it.

Their breaths were rapid. But covered by the bat training they endured. Then, they heared footsteps, and the door slowly slid open.

Damian looked them in the eye "find my body, revive me where I have been revived many times before." He said.

Then the floor gave out from underneath them.

They scrambled for a handhold, but it was no use.

They were falling, plummeting into the unknown. 


A/n: sorry, it has been so long since I have updated. Writers block. Hope you like it, request are welcome. Comment please, that would make my day. 

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