What happens next.

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~two days later~

Dick placed one of the many fixed photos back on the wall. "That finishes it." He proudly admired his work of putting all of the pictures back in the wall.

Tim and Bruce were currently searching for Ra's. He escaped soon after they finally stopped hugging bruce.

Jason was... Who knows where. Probably back at his apartment.

And Damian was cleaning his room up.

Dick was happy that they got rid of the spirit, for some reason it was like a dark shadow that was cast upon the house hold was lifted, and he felt a lot more light hearted now.

Like he was safe.

At first he thought that that darkness was just Bruce's brooding.

Looks like he was wrong. 

Dick wondered if his mom and dad were watching him right now. They did have a reason to stay behind in the real world. Right? Dick hopes not. He hoped that they moved in into an even happier place that relived their stress. 

 "You hear that mom, dad? I want you to be happy, go and relax." He whispered into the air. He knew that somewhere in some far away place, that they heared him.

 ~with jason.~ 

Jason sipped on a coke, calming himself down. He just had a fight with Bruce. Guess all good things can't last.

Jason would pretend that he was mad, but deep down. He knew that Bruce was only trying to protect him from the world. But he wasn't that innocent little kid anymore.

He was dead.

Bruce chose to hide that there was a Lazarus pit in the cave, to make sure no one in the real world used it. (Villans.) And that would also be least likely where the boys would find it. It was dangerous to go in the undiscovered parts of the cave, even if superman was there.

Then the real question came up, has Bruce revived himself? Or them? Or even Alfred? (That would explain why he was an immortal dinosaur.) So now Jason was on a mission. He left his brothers, knowing it wasn't safe for them to come along. Even if there was an over happy acrobat, a genius, and a child assassin. 

He was tracking down to see if there was any Lazarus pits left in the world. And if there was, he was going to destroy them all. One by one. He was going undercover on Ra's and Thalia's organization to learn more about the pit, and destroy it. He had already died once, he knew what real pain was. so he didn't mind getting his hands dirty in his second life. 

He was going and no one could stop him.

~with Tim.~

Tim was disgusted in himself. How could he not notice sooner that there was a pit in the cave, and that the house was haunted. He ran scans daily, and yet nothing showed as threatening in the cave. And now Jason was too angry and probably terrified to go back in that cave.

Tim kept on beating himself up mentally and brooding as he jumped from roof top to roof top. He had been tracking Jason, and he knew what he was doing. Tim decided not to intervene, but he would be there if Jason needed help.

He was his brothers unknown backup, and he always was. 

That's what family was all about right?

To be there for each other?

Tim didn't know. He was lost with the whole family thing. He wasn't the best in those relationships.

As he silently boarded the plane that would take him to the Hemylas, he was going to be there for him.

No matter what.

~with Damian.~

Damian mumbled a complaint under his breath about his stupid cast as he attempted to make his bed. He decided to do that later, and studied the drawings of the pit, and Ra's and there was even Thalia. 

Damian felt many things. Pain because he was no longer excepted by his grand father, he called his own grandson useless and planned to take his life. Sadness because he wasn't good enough for either family. Angry they he let him do this to his family.

And most of all guilt.

He felt guilty because he was possessed into fighting his family. And he was not strong enough to fight his grandfather's spirit off.

The rest of his brothers said that It was alright. That he didn't have control of his body. He still blamed himself for this.

He just wasn't good enough for anyone. 

He shoved the papers in a trash can by his desk. But he clutched one tight in his arms and hung it up. Thalia, his Mother was smiling and laughing with her son as they trained. He adored that picture.

And vowed to never put it down. 

He was done with Ra's, and this was the last time he would ever think about the mountains of his home.

He was starting a new chapter of his life.

One with his father and brothers.



A/n: I Really Do Hope You Like This Story, Please Comment If You Want Me To do A Story With Jason Undercover, And Tim At His Back. I Will probably Include Dick And Damian Too.

If you Like This Story And Want To Read Another, Here is My Summary For On The Run: Dick is a werewolf, Jason is a vampire, Tim is an angel, and Damian is a demon. Monsters are forbidden from the world, and they are being hunted by the most famous monsters in the world, the justice leauge and their partners young justice. Is there more to these monsters than meets the eyes?

And I also have a series of one shots of you like those. And once again please comment if you liked this and want another. And request for other stories are welcome, I will probably take them and write it just for you. 😉☺😊

See ya next time

-Morgan out

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