The three brothers fell with a loud crash, it wasn't the softest landing.
Tim got up, rubbing his back and groaned. Why had this happen to them of all people?
It was probably one of the villains that Jason has killed in the past.
But still, dying from a ghost attack wasn't on Tim's list of ways to die.
Next to Tim, Jason grunted and got to his feet.
And why possess Damian of all people, why not him Jason or Dick? then it hit Tim.
Revived? his body? the ghost said that it was revived many times.
Now it all added up.
"I know who is haunting us." Tim announced, a little pride evident in his voice.
"Spill it, tell me who so I can go dance on the fuckers grave. Maybe light a cig and let it burn." Jason growled, helping Dick up.
"The spirit is Ra's al ghoul."
The two looked shocked, before their faces switched to realization. "It makes perfect sense. The whole reviving the body, and possessing Dami." Dick exclaimed.
"Where are we anyways?" Jason asked.
The boys looked around. All they could really see was the darkness that consumed them.
"Were probably in one of the caves that branch off from the bat cave. This one is probably unexplored." Tim gaped.
"So if we find the body, do you think he will leave us alone?" Dick questioned.
"No. He will probably take us hostage or something." Tim said grimly.
"Well what are we supposed to do? let him haunt us? and besides the only known Lazarus pit is in the mountains." Jason raged.
"We know where his body is" Tim said.
"Yeah, with Thalia." Jason sneered at the name, he couldn't believe he slept with her.
"No jaybird, it's in the cave." Dick explained.
"Why didn't i know about this?!" Jason yelled, his voice echoing off of the Cave, startling some of the bats.
"We figured it would be not so smart to tell you, since you hate the man's guts. You would probably throw him in the fire place and watch him burn." Tim concluded.
"That is exactly what I'd do." Jason agreed, rage still hinted in his voice.
"The body, is somewhere in the cave though. Maybe in one of the caves that branch off. Like this one, so his body wouldn't be revived." Dick chipped in.
Tim surveyed the cave, stalactites hung from the ceiling, and the occasional drip sounded as the water dropped to the floor.
Then something caught his eye.
It was a faint green glow, it was located ahead of them.
"Whats that?" Tim pointed ahead.
It took a second for his brothers to see what he was talking about.
"Lets go check it out." And before either of his brothers could stop him, Jason surged forward.
Once they reached the source, there was a swimming pool sized pit, filled with glowing green light. It lit up the room like fire fly's, the water sloshed like a beach. Jason fell to his knees.
"Did Bruce know about this?" strangely, his voice didn't sound full with anger. It was soft, and delicate.
Dick hugged him from behind. But that wasn't what Tim was focused on, in the very back of the cavern.
Was a casket.
Tim walked up to it. "G-guys." he stuttered. "Come and see this."
Dick and Jason slowly trudged over to him, avoiding the pits water. In the box, was Damian's grandfather.
'revive me' a voice drifted through the caves, sending chills down the brothers backs. then, Damian appeared through the wall.
His face was twisted into a sinister sneer.
"Thanks for finding my body."
a/n: i know this ones a smaller chapter. but i already poster a story yesterday. i hope you like this story, request are welcome. bye for now.
The Haunting Of Wayne Manor
ParanormalDick, Jason, Tim, and Damian are at the Wayne Manor all alone for a week when strange things start to happen... Dick starts having dreams, Jason starts seeing things, Tim gets a threatening message, and Damian's actions get out of control. It was...