Your girl ?

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Light P.O.V
As we get closer to the house I get knots in my stomach. Somethings wrong. "You got some pieces in here?" Cuban asks me

"Yeah, why wassup?" I ask her back "my stomach feel weird. Something rey go down" she says looking around. "I got that feeling too. The pieces is under the seat , pull out the carpet" I tell her as we pull into the driveway

"Cuban hand me some heat." Molly says before we get out. "Where's Gunz?" Cuban asks me "he's in there moving furniture," I say pointing to the house.

"Okay, What we waiting for? GET THE FUCK OUT !" Molly yells at me and Cuban. We hide our guns and walk in the house. "GUNZ!" Cuban screams as we walk around.

Suddenly we hear a loud noise. "What was that?" Molly asks " I don't know" I say back "sounds like someone dropped something" Cuban chimes in. We all walk towards the basement.

Once we get by the door we cock our guns and put the silencer on. "1...2...3" I count off as we walk in. "Omg, hey. How nice of y'all to join us" a girl that looks just like the bitch Molly and Cuban killed yesterday says smiling.

"She's got a gun" Gunz mouths to me. He's tied up to the pool table. I nod and turn to Molly. She looks chill, like she knows something

Cuban P.O.V
I see her and laugh to myself. " hey Arianna" I say as I put my gun in my waistband. " cut the small talk. Where's the money?" She asks with her hands behind her back. I know she has a gun. I saw Gunz mouth it to Light

"What money?" I ask "the money that you and Molly stole from the Bank" she says narrowing her eyes at Molly.

Molly looks up "bitch don't look at me like you wanna get slapped." Molly says as she sits back in the lounge chair. I look over at Gunz and Light. They look scared shitless. We have to have a conversation about that.

Arianna laughs and turns to me. "well? The sooner y'all give me the money , the sooner I can leave." I look at her and bust out laughing. "Yea right." I mumble

I look over at Gunz who is now standing behind Arianna. He untied himself while we were talking. I nod at him hoping he got the message. I stand up and walk over to Arianna and Molly does the same.

"Why would you even think that you would be able to leave ?" I say as I stare her down "because you guys are gonna be dead lil bitch." She says smirking. "AYE DONT TALK TO GER LIKE THAT" Light yells at her .She reaches for her gun as I take a step back *POW POW* the shots rang in my ears as I black out.

Who got shot?


Why was Molly and Cuban so calm ?

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