My-my what ?

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"Oh my god Cuban look!" Molly screams in horror as she picks up something out of the mans pants pocket.

"FUCK , FUCK ,FUCK !" Cuban yells as she paces back and forth .After what felt like hours she grabbed the necklace and the note beside it . She opened the letter and started to read it aloud.

"To my dear daughter, Cherish. I know you think I'm dead but that's a conversation for later. I've saw you around on these streets with this Light dude. I want his head and even though your my daughter, if you interfere I won't hesitate to murder you too. Your mother and I would really love to talk to you. Friday night at the Whaley buffet. 7:00pm"  she stops reading and looks up with glossy eyes . I walk up to her in an attempt to comfort her .

"I'm really sorry Cuban." I say lifting her head. We both just stand there and I know how awkward it feels so I pulled her into a tight hug. She hugged me back but quickly pulled away and went into her bra . She pulled out a picture of which seemed to be her dad
Cubans father 👇🏾🤤

She showed the picture to Molly then Molly nodded softly and they both turned to walk away

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She showed the picture to Molly then Molly nodded softly and they both turned to walk away . "Wayment, hold up" Gunz said "y'all just gon leave?" He asks them

"We got business to take care of Gunz. You and Light are welcome to tag along if y'all want" Cuban said nonchalantly as she started to walk again .

"Cuban can I talk to you for a second please ?" I ask her " make it fast" she says as she comes over to the corner

"Where you going?" I ask her genuinely concerned "To handle some shit. If y'all coming along I needa give y'all kingpins a lil lesson" she said referring to me and Gunz as she put air quotes on Kingpins.

"Get over here Molly and Gunz" she says annoyingly as she sees Molly and Gunz kissing. " Rule #1 . Stay alert and strapped . Don't trust nobody, everyone's the Enemie .Never leave the trap or home without at least2 pieces on you . attention,stay silent. You see sum out the regular, pay attention to it and for gosh sake if the same car is behind you for more than 10 minutes with NO traffic it's not a coincidence." She says looking at me .

"How you know all this ?" I asked her . "I grew up in the streets" she said as she walked over to Ariannas lifeless body and motioned for Molly to come over there . "Well fuck" Molly says looking shocked.

"Everything all good ?" I ask . Nobody says anything, Molly and Cuban just smirk at each other. "Fuck this shit, Molly and Cuban y'all definitely know something that me and Gunz don't. So speak the fuck up so we can work together and get this shit done ." I say sternly

"Okay fine but since you big baller shot caller you need to buy a house for us to stay in , I'll explain it there" Cuban says putting emphasis on big baller .

Gunz P.O.V
Iont know what's going on but i know these lil females Molly and Cuban are too gang . I fuck  with it though. "Can you take a picture of us Gunz?" Molly asks me

"Definitely." I say as she hands me her phone.
The picture Gunz took 👇🏾😍

  Yea Cuban cute and all but Molly is sexy as fuck

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  Yea Cuban cute and all but Molly is sexy as fuck. I really wan get with her . " so what we gon do til then?" I ask Cuban "well you are gonna do whatever Gunz does. Light is gonna find a house and me and Molly gonna do some looking around" Cuban explains, I nod my head "for?" Light asks "non of your business" Molly chimes in

After 5 more minutes of Cuban and Light arguing , Cuban and Molly finally leave. "So what we gon do?" I ask Light. "We gon go find a house. I wanna see what this bitch got planned" he says smirking

"Bitch? I Thought you was feeling her?" I asked him surprised . "I do but her mouth is bad , she too secretive and she won't een let me touch ha."  He said shaking his head . I lightly chuckled .

"She just got a note from her pops saying he ain't really dead and that he'll kill her and he want to kill you ... how would you act after that?" I said looking at him

"You right. Ima make her mine" he said smiling "what about you and Molly? I saw y'all attacking each others tongues"  He asks me laughing "I got this nigga , worry about your shit first" I say laughing . He chuckled and nodded his head as we left the basement and headed to the car.

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