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Steve had struggled to think of what to do with a 11 going on 12 year old girl. From the moment he placed her on his motorcycle, the huge helmet wobbling on her head, all the way to their destination it had bothered him. It wasn't until he saw her excitement of where they were he realized he was doing an okay job.

She pointed and asked him a million questions as they walked through the exhibits. Each picture and video of him during the war. The sight of all his friends. Even watching the interviews her Mom and Aunt Peggy did. Steve had just sat silently, holding her hand as she roamed about and about. It wasn't until they sat at a small restaurant on the outside section he had finally stared a conversation with the girl who had been so excited about her time with him.

"So what really happened in school today?" the french fry she was moving to her mouth stopped mid-air. Steve waited patiently for her answer.

"I told someone you were my Dad" Steve furrowed his eyebrows as a white lie couldn't of been the real reason for such an upsetting topic. So he stayed silent waiting for her to continue on her own.

"Some girl said it wasn't true and nobody loved me so I punched her, I think I broke her nose" Steve's eyes widened as she said it.

"Why'd you do it?" he asked and she shrugged.

"I don't like bullies"

Steve paused as he stared at the girl. Maybe it was a siren call or some weird way the universe was trying to tell him something but the only other time he had met someone who had felt the same way about things like him was when Carmen mentioned the right partner. Julia saying she didn't like bullies was like seeing himself getting beat up in an alleyway again.

"Well, the next time it's bring your Dad to school day. Let me know" Julia looked up at Steve with wide eyes.

"Are you serious?" she asked and Steve chuckled.

"Julia even you considering me as a father figure means the world to me. If you need anyone to rely on please know it's me. Besides what can get any cooler about have Iron Man as your cousin and Captain America as your Dad" Julia jumped up from her seat and hugged him.

"Thank you Steve" Steve smiled and hugged her back.

"Anytime" he told her and she sat down and finished her food. Steve looked at the time and decided they still had time for one more stop. One he had been wanting to make since a year ago. When they showed up at the building Julia immediately recognized where they were.

"B!" she yelled running towards the lady at the front desk. Steve walked up behind her as she ran around the desk and hugged the plump woman.

"Hey you, what are you doing here?" the lady asked as she set Julia down.

"My Mom's friend Steve is here to visit Auntie Peg" Julia told her and she finally looked up to see Steve.

"Holy shit" Steve chuckled and looked to Julia.

"Do you mind staying here while I talk to Aunt Peggy?" he asked her and she shook her head. She knew he needed to do this on his own.

Upon entering the room Peggy immediately greeted him with a smile and a desperate 'your alive' followed by a sob. Once he settled himself in a chair beside her he began to look around. The lone pictures that scattered the room.

"You should be proud of yourself Peggy" she followed his eyeline to the pictures on her bedside. She saw the desperation all over his face, just like Carmen's.

"Mmm, I have lived a life. My only regret is that you and Carmen didn't get to live yours" Steve's eyes dropped as that thought stuck with him. A life. With kids and a home. "What is it?"

Again // The Winter SoldierWhere stories live. Discover now