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"It was him" Carmen looked up to meet Steve's gaze that had been locked on the floor the whole time. Natasha sat across from her as well and kept glancing at the gunshot wound that was still bleeding. "He looked right at me like he didn't even know me"

"How is that even possible? It was like 70 years ago" Carmen turned her head from Sam beside her and let a tear to slip. She wish she wasn't cuffed so she could wipe it away.

"Zola. Bucky's whole unit was captured in 43. Zola experimented on him" Carmen turned back to look at Steve shift beside Natasha in his seat as he put all the pieces of the puzzle back together.

"He experimented on me too. Now I know what Zola meant when he said I could've been so much more. He got Bucky back but he didn't get me" Steve looked up to the tear stained face of the girl and all this talk sent him back to when they first met. After carrying her across enemy lines with 400 soldiers in tow. At the time they didn't know how close they would get over the next 3 years as he fought the war and she stayed at the base.

"Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall. They must have found him and-"

"None of that's your fault Steve. 70 years later and I'm still telling you it wasn't your fault" she smiled slightly as another wave of nausea went over. She had lost a lot of blood.

"Even when I had nothing I had Bucky" Carmen leaned her head back as she tried to keep her eyes open. Sam noticed this and looked to the wound that continued to bleed down her shirt.

"We need to get a doctor here. We don't put pressure on that wound she's gonna bleed out here in the truck" one of the officers lit to life their taser and Steve eyed Carmen, finally noticing the wound in her shoulder. She gave him a light reassuring smile but his worry didn't subside. Suddenly the same soldier tased the other officer beside him before kicking him in the head and making him pass out.

"Ah that thing was squeezing my brain" Carmen smiled as she watched Agent Hill pull the large helmet off her head. They all silently looked at her. Carmen with a smile on her face. "Who is this guy?"

"Can you un-handcuff us first?" Carmen asked and Maria nodded and quickly un-cuffed each of the four. Carmen struggled to keep her eyes open as Maria looked out the window.

"Okay we need to make our exit quick" Steve jumped beside Carmen just as she began to topple over and he held his hand to her wound. Maria cut a large hole out of the bottom of the truck letting the floor fall lightly and be left off in the distance. Everyone took turns laying themselves out on the ground and letting the car drive away before rolling into the woods. Steve helped Carmen and she landed with a harder thud then she should've.

"There is a car waiting for us" Maria explained once Steve had joined them. Sam helped Carmen up but her knees buckled under her. Steve jumped forward and grabbed the girl.

"We need to get going quick" Steve instructed and Maria led them into the woods where a black van awaited them. They slowly piled in before taking off to a secret location. Steve stole worried glances at Carmen as they all pressed to keep the wound in tact. The ride was short and Steve quickly hopped out to help Carmen. She held a bandage against the wound and Steve kept his arm locked around her waist for support. Sam grabbed her arm to help as they entered a large abandoned looking building. The second they entered the hallway an agent ran towards them.

"GSW. She's lost at least a pint" Maria yelled out to the agent and Natasha looked over at her friend.

"Maybe two" she added in and Carmen sent her a warm smile.  

"Let me take her" the Agent motioned to help the Director as she struggled to walk.

"She'll want to see him first" Carmen shot Maria a confused look but she continued to look ahead. They reached some plastic screening and Maria pulled it back so they all could see Nick Fury laying down in a hospital bed. Slowly he lifted his head and looked at Carmen.

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