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Once the day ended Carmen picked Julia up early from school. She had her packed and on a plane to a safe house within an hour and a half. She had felt bad but Julia didn't mind a break from school to go stay with Uncle Clint. It seemed the safest house she knew of. But with Julia gone for the night she had no idea what to do with herself. So after a little thought and some lipstick she made a snap decision and drove herself to the location she was given for Steve. Almost as if it was perfect timing she saw him pull his motorcycle to a stop in front of his building.

"Steve!" he looked up to see the petite frame of the girl. Her hair was curled and it looked much like it did when they were younger. It was the first time since he had woken up he saw the old Carmen shining through her eyes. And for Carmen she was starting to feel like that girl again. She cared and she didn't feel so numb anymore. With Julia out of town and her running to find him it felt much like child's play. They were hopeful young adult awaiting something better and maybe this time they could have that.

"What are you doing here?" he asked as they now finally stood in front of each other. He held the keys to his apartment and Carmen shrugged her shoulders while her hands were still stuffed in her pea coat.

"Julia is gone visiting family and I decided to stay back for work. It wasn't until I was home by myself a few hours to realize what I really wanted was some company" Steve chuckled as he looked down at the girl he had known for so long. Somewhere inside her she had hoped he would invite her up to stay for as long as she wanted but she knew that wasn't the case.

"Well you're welcome to spend some time with me" he offered his arm and Carmen thankfully took it as he guided her inside the building. The two climbed the stairs until they finally reached his floor. Carmen kept her eyes on the ground as she thought of the man beside her.

"So sweet, that's so nice" she heard a woman's voice, followed by a door being closed. Carmen looked up just as she greeted Steve and her eyes widened. Steve continued to walked them past as she spoke on the phone. "I got to go though. Okay, bye"

Just as she hung up Steve stopped them in front of his door as he turned to the short blonde dressed in scrubs. She turned to face them as well with a smile on her face.

"My Aunt, she's kind of an insomniac" Carmen could picture Peggy calling the girl now, telling her to make sure she ate some real food for once. Carmen knew Sharon was an agent but undercover to watch Steve was unknown. She had grown up as Auntie Car to the girl as well considering her and Peggy barely left each others side.

"If you want you're welcome to use my machine, lugging those loads up and down the stairs must not be fun. Especially after your odd hours of work" Steve offered the girl with a smile and Carmen's heart fluttered at how much of a gentleman he was.

"Thank you but I already have a load downstairs and you really don't want my scrubs in your machine. I just finished a rotation in the infectious disease ward so" Carmen gave her a light rise of the eyebrows and Sharon tried to dismiss her Aunt in order to keep her cover. Yet it was hard when she wanted to do and ask so many things.

"Well we'll keep our distance" he motioned to Carmen and Sharon smiled at them before moving to walk downstairs. Steve let go of Carmen's arm to open the door just as she spoke again.

"Oh I think you left you stereo on" Steve turned as Carmen leaned into the door.

"Oh, right. Thank you" Sharon nodded before finally disappearing down the stairs. Steve turned to Carmen with a confused look and then they both remembered that he had spent the night at her house and when he had went home was only to change quick. Both leaned their heads to the door and Carmen smirked at him.

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