Chapter 2

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The cold wind bites at my bones, the icy rain trickles down my cold cheeks. Not the best day to start out looking for a new home. Not the best day Ive ever had.

Now I stand here on the rough concrete pavement of the backstreet. The rain pouring out of the sky in relentless slithery sheets, unforgiving. The sky is patched grey and pitch black. A steam fills the air clearly confused by the sudden change in the weather from hot to freezing cold.

We stand here huddled together, hand in hand waiting for someone to tell us what to do.How to act. But no one does and no one ever will because they are all gone with the wind. So we better get a move on but we cant. We are frozen, locked in our own minds of depression. Mourning our family we will never say again.

You can constantly hear yelling and screaming. Crashing of cars. Raids and robbers. It never stops. Ever since the adults left the world has been hit with havoc. For the first few days kids went mad doing whatever they ever dreamed of doing if there was no adults, while my family huddled together waiting for our death sentences. The death sentence came for my older brother, my mother and my father. But we were lucky we escaped. But did we really escape, well no I haven't escaped, I'm trapped in sadness that is never ending.

I need to keep strong for my twin brother Jacob and My little siter Rosie, who dont deserve this.

The sirens wail of an old cop car. WAIT an old cop car. Shout its the Death dogs. The death dogs are the most lethal darkest kind of tribe. Well really they are kids, just like me, but these guys are taking advantage of no adults to a whole new level. As soon as the adults died the strongest meanest biggest kids of town got together creating the Death dogs. They drive cop cars around the streets practically looking for kids like us to pick up and torture or adopt into their tribe making them more dominate.

Now they glide around the corner, smoke streaming from the cars exhaust pipe hooting and making dog noises. Some members are on skateboards holding onto the car and being pulled along waiting for some movement.

I grab Rosie's arm and glare at Jacob and point at the incoming enemies. HE freezes and shrugs his shoulders. What he doesn't know what to do! ARE YOU KIDDING ME! All my life his told me what to do and now when I want him to he wont.

I scan the street. There is a few barrels of petrol that are empty, Rosie could probably get in one of those but We couldn't and I don't want to leave her alone. There is rubbish littering the streets and numerous random objects but The only way I think we can hide is if we get into the beat up old car that has rolled onto its side.

I get down low and run head first to the car pulling the others with me. I kick open the door that falls off its hinges. Damn that would have made a lot of noise. I shove Rosie in and get in after her. Jacob slides in through the back door. We are so close together I can feel their breath on the back of my neck."Get down and do as I say" I whisper.

I lower my body down lower onto the floor. The siren comes nearer and nearer. The closer they come the more anxious I get. Then They stop a meter in front of us. Have they seen us are we doomed. Probably. I wait for the doors to open and for a big burly kid to jump on top of me but it doesn't happen. The car doesn't start to move either.

I move my head into a position where my eyes hover just above the dashboard. All of the Death Dogs that have been on skateboards are now sitting on the ground. One has his skateboard on the ground in between his legs and is using some spanner to screw a wheel back on that, sooo happened to come off right near our hiding place. Great this day has gone to absolutely dreadful to worse. My heart is pounding out of my chest and my skin has broken out in a serious sweat. The ring leader Alfa has longed out in the backseat of the car with his driver fanning him with a homemade paper fan. I wonder how he got the job as boss. Strange that. He is such a wimpy looking kid with ferocious red hair that is matted into dreadlocks complete with black streaks on the tips of the head. He is tall and slim with no muscle at all. He has fair skin and I know this might sound like im boasting but Jacob could probably beat him up with no problems at all.

The Patrol sits on the floor in complete silence now as they watch they boy screw the wheel back on with fascination. Suddenly a huge loud rumble appears from the backseat of the car. No mistaking what that was, a huge bomb of stink fills the car. Jacob has just let out a huge fart that could probably be heard from a kilometer away. I even think the car moved a bit. I turn around and give him a dirty look. Typical Jacob whenever he gets nervous he lets fluffy off the lead. And this time his let a bloody ripper go. I look back out the windscreen. The boys are silent. "What the hell was that, was that a fart" chuckles a big guy with heaps of pimples. The guy with they broken skateboard has finished,"A fart means people right?"

"Go Quick NOW" I scream in a choked whisper. Jay flings on his pack and grabs Rosie's pack too. I give him mine and He flings it on his shoulders he looks like a stock-horse. I yank Rosie up onto my back and stumble out the car. Now they definitely know where we are "Get Them" shouts Alfa.

Five six big boys lunge towards us and I start off in a big sprint. Jacob is in the lead, running through a gauntlet of narrow passage ways. We never stop and we never look back. But I can tell the group is rearing up on us, yelling and throwing objects to trip us over.

I weave and jump around them. I'll tell you Rosie is not as light as she was at the start. With every step she gets heavier. We come to a mid height brick wall with black spray paint scribbled all over it. Jacob presses his hands against the wall and I place Rosie on his back so he will act like a ladder." Climb over and wait for us there, as soon as we come run" I whisper in her ear. She scuttles over the wall and you can hear her plop down onto the other side. "You next" Jacob puffs.

"What you cant lift me, I mean I cant climb on your back I'll break it. I know your big and strong but seriously I don't think your that strong"I argue. But Jacob clearly isn't in the mood.

"Oh yeah, you havent seen me working out in the gym lately, watch this" He flips me upside down and throws me over the wall. Well its not the most comfortable landing Ive ever had and I jar my knee.

"Ouch Jacob"

"Sorry Ab but they are almost here"

We get together and run. We have probably been running for more than a hour non-stop. Will these people ever give up. I'm sure there is others in the city but I guess they want some action since every ones still depressed and It will be a while before things heat up again.

The sun is starting to set and the darkness is begining to close its fingers around us. So are the people, coming closer and closer. Finally we hit a more opened space. A little square I think about the size of a backyard. It has a set of swings and paved ground. I squint my eyes to look for a way out but there is none.Tall brick wall surround us, too high for us to climb, we are trapped. Jacob turns to me and catches my hand"Together " he breaths.

Then our Six stalkers swing around the corner almost slipping on the tiles and  close in on us. Capturing us for life, to join the Death Dogs.........

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