Hatred masked by my love for you

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I didn't think that after everything, Dan would ask me, Jade, to be his girlfriend.

He wanted me, yes..me. But that was something so surreal to take in, it was only weeks ago I attended his first signing, days ago I saw them in concert. so what had changed this into something so beautiful, I could never have wished for anything better.

I log on to Facebook and I see it, the "official M.A.D fan page" I scroll through, looking at some posts and I see a tweet from Dan, screenshotted with the caption: I think dans got a girlfriend.


There's endless comments of hate, endless likes. I didn't want this, I didn't want hate, I just wanted Dan.

I check twitter, dans on notification and I see the tweet "shut up and kiss me" I smile, blushing. I retweet and favourite and send him a cheeky emoji, then I turn to my right and see a familiar face.

Dans lay next to me..

"Morning gorgeous!"

He kisses me for a few seconds and strokes my cheek.

"Trust you to check your phone before your boyfriend hey!" He says as he pulls me in for a cuddle.

I smile, but genuinely smile, it's a happy smile.

For a minute, I forget the hate I've seen..hes mine.

He kisses my forehead and leaps up, "right! breakfast, what would my mrs like?"

I smile, "I'd like for my beautiful boyfriend to get back into bed and give me cuddles until I'm actually hungry?" I question, giggling.

He jumps into bed and places my head on his chest, stroking my hair.

"You're beautiful yano that right?"

I just smile, and snuggle myself into his soft chest.

Dans POV *flashback*

(I'm aware this is the only POV dans had, bare with)

She's lay over there, like right there, with her beautiful bikini body glistening against the heat of the sun. I fancy her, and I don't even know her name.

She's walking towards the sea, carrying flip flops in her hand, her figure is perfect, her hourglass figure like a work of art.

Wow. I'm speechless.

She's seen me, she stopped, she looks gorgeous. she starts to pace faster towards the sea, placing flip flops on her feet as she nears the water.

Her laugh, her smile, her beautiful, flawless face. I don't know why, but I want her, all I want is her.

Jades POV

I wonder what Dan thought of me when I first saw him. like, was he as attracted to me as he could be now?

I overthink too much, what if he didn't like me? what if I forced this upon him?

But, he seems so happy..

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