Shadows in the dark

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Your brothers had to take you on patrol with them since splinter was meditating and you get bored extremely easily

After A while of patrolling the roofs something caught Leo's eye as they jumped into a roof covered in broken foot bot peace's

"What the heck happened here?" Leo says

Raph holds you closer as he looks around "could it be the mutanimals?"

"No they wouldn't leave peace's just lying around

Leo walked over and pulled out a white peace of cloth that had been ripped by a foot bot

"Guys look" he walks over and shows them the peace of cloth

"That's so wired no one we know were white" suddenly Mickey was cut off by a sword flying straight past his face causing them all to freeze

"Amber river told us not to get involved!" A female voice calls out as it echoes around the turtles

"Hay it's not my fault that they interrupted are mission!" Another voice shouts

"Would you both calm down" another voice calls

"Ugh Adriana stop being all high and mighty" the second voice complains

"What ok that's it!"

Suddenly a female mutant turtle and mutant lizard come tumbling out into view as they both try to land hits on one another followed by a younger looking mutant dragon as she tries to break them apart

"Guy stop" she then sees the turtles and you looking at them and gulps "uh guys" she points at the turtles

They both look at them at the same time and there eyes widen "o crud were in so much trouble when river finds out" the three of them say

"Who says I haven't" a pale green mutant turtle drops down with a white bandana around her face and part of it ripped

Mickey gasped as he then broke into a huge smile "MORE MUTANTS!!!!"

River sighs and rolls her eyes looking at them "really you three ninja are silent and more importantly unseen" river smiles smirking

"Hay riv I told them not to" Adriana says as she points at the dragon and lizard

The lizard glares "o hush!"

The dragon pouts "meanie!"

River sighs as she shakes her head smiling "what am I gunna do with you three"

She then looks at the river turtles watching them "I'm sorry if we caused any alarm boys were simply here to clean up are mess"

"Wait you did this" Leo motions to the foot bot bits everywhere

"Yep" the dragon smiles popping the p

River smiles at the turtles as Mickey looks at her hearts in his eyes

"Well let's not be rude my names violet" the dragon says smiling

"Shut it squirt" the lizard says crossing her arms

"Meany!" Violet says

"I'm amber" the lizard smiles giving a wave

"And I'm Adriana" the turtle smiles

The other turtle with the white mask smiles "and I'm river"


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