Tigers truth

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Tiger claws POV
(And the hate comments start)

I walked down the halls of shredders lair thinking of all she said

"Your the one who's on the wrong team"

I shake my head and continued walking

"Can you see me tiger cause I can't see you"

I growl lightly and shake my head trying to get her voice to leave me alone

"You left me!!"

"Ugh get it out of my head!" I growl slamming my head against the metal wall as tears prick my eyes

(Mini flashback)

The small mutant lizard was walking through the streets a good covering her face and most of her body and tail when she saw something in a dark alley way

"Hello?" She called

A groan was her response as she walks into the alley way and sees a small tiger maybe a few years older than her his tail cut off and bleeding

"I my! Hold on a moment"

In a few seconds tiger claw felt something on his tail he saw the lizard had taken her hold off and was putting pressure on the wound as she smiled down at him and pet behind his ear "you'll be ok"

(Mini flash back over)

Tiger claws fists were balled as he rested them against the wall his forehead doing the same as he stood up straight again and continued walking

(Mini flashback again)

"Hay tiger"

"What is it riverlilly?"

"We'll always be friends right?"

"Of corse"

(Mini flashback over again)

Tiger growls to himself as he walks faster

(Mini flash back again again)

"Tiger how could you!!?"

"You have to understand" his claws come down across rivers face right by her eyes "it's simply kill or be killed lilly and you would never kill"

He looks to the metal men that had threatened to take him earlier "here take the lizard and in return I go free"

"Krang will except mutant cats offer and will take lizard girl for krang"

Tiger claw tossed river into the van like she was a bag of old steak and walked away

(Mini flashback over again again)

By now tiger claw was running down the halls of the lair tears threatening to spill from his eyes as he throws open the door at the end of the hall

"Riverlilly" he whimpers and falls to his knees

Hanging on the wall was rivers motionless body a huge stab wound on her chest deep gashes all over her body and the old scar that he left by her eyes was now revealed as her bandana was gone

"What have I done" he cries as he falls to his hands and knees

(Tell me if you guys want more of these kinda chapters revealing rivers past)

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