SHIP IT (part 4)

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(I might as well have done this part I mean it's the last part so yah)

As you arrive in the kitchen you see the cutest sight the blind leader of the female team playing with ice cream kitty as she licks her nose

River giggles "kitty that's cold"

But because of your super duper awesome ninja senses you knew you were being watched or

You looked to the other entrance of the kitchen and see mikey there with a adorable love stuck face as he watches river

You smiles brightly

Ok ok

The leader

And the goof ball

This is to cute river is so loving and kind and even though she's a leader she's not extremely strict or rude or mean and mikey is well .....,.,,,. Mikeyish they would be so cute together

You stand there and watch as river puts your frozen pet back in the freezer before walking back and going to the entrance mikey was at but your brothers being sloops and leaving s**t don't ask were you learned that word you live with raph and Amber for freaking crying out loud

Anyway she slipped on one of the boys skate boards then tripping and nearly falling

Key word nearly

But mikey was there and caught her in his ninja turtle arms

"You ok riv!?" Mikey asks worried as he goes into mikey panic mode and starts searching for any injuries as soon as he sets her down

She giggles at his childish behaviour and smiles graving his face "mikey I'm fine" she kisses his nose "thank you for saving me" she smiles pink dusting her cheeks as she walks out

I think she broke your mikey

He was standing there frozen before he jumped in the air and cheered to himself saying over and over again how "she kissed me" before he went to rant to ice Cream kitty

You smiled as you jumped up and down and cheered blowing your cover big time "SHIP IT!!"

Mikey looks at you "you and me both sister!"

You laugh so hard at your childish brother

Little did you both know river was by the entrance of the kitchen smiling as you two got in a huge talk about your ships

(Hay guys so I've been working on something really special for you guys and it's finally done

(Hay guys so I've been working on something really special for you guys and it's finally done

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It's river!!!!

Finally I've been working on this for I don't know how long

I'll post this again when it's coloured but I hope you like it and the chapter bye my ice cream kitties)

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