4- The Next Day

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(In the morning)

I woke up on the couch, Lea was snuggled into my side. People think that we're dating, we're not dating, trust me, we are so far from it. Lea is like my little sister, and Taylor already called dibs. I got up, careful not to wake Lea and I went into the kitchen where Hayes was making his breakfast, "Morning." I greeted him. "Hey." He replied, looking up from his cereal. "Where's Lea?" He asked me, "Still sleeping on the couch." I replied gesturing to the living room. I heard footsteps coming from the living room, "Morning Lea." I said as she came from around the corner. "Morning." She sighed, rubbing her eyes. Lea sat down at the bench and began to make herself some Nutri-Grain. "Thanks for letting me crash here." Lea replied with a mouthful of cereal, "It's alright." I replied making myself some toast.

After we had breakfast Lea went up to my room to change, she came downstairs in a grey AC/DC top that went to her belly button and high waisted denim shorts. She had a white beanie on her head and was wearing black converse. I ran upstairs and grabbed a plain grey T-shirt (as I was shirtless) and put it on before heading downstairs, grabbing my skateboards to ride to school. Hayes came running down the stairs and met us at the door. Lea snatched a skateboard off me before grabbing her bag and running out the front door. She jumped on the skateboard and rode down the street. I ran and rode to catch up with her. "I reckon Taylor has a crush on you." I said seeing how she would react, "No, I doubt it." She replied. "He so does! Have you even seen him staring at you? He can't stop staring at you, it's hilarious!" I laughed at her, Lea looked at me and went further ahead. "I don't get why you think that, it's ridiculous." She said looking back at me, "He does." I muttered.

We got to school 15 minutes later, we met Taylor and Cam outside the front office in the main courtyard. Some random guy wolf whistled at Lea, she flipped him the bird and kept walking over to Taylor and Cam. "Hey." She greeted them, "Hey." They replied. I saw Taylor check Lea out and I smirked, how could she not tell. I looked over to Cam and saw him staring at someone, I followed his trail of vision and saw he was staring at Brea. I saw that new girl, Kaitlyn hanging with Brea. Kaitlyn was pretty cute and she could really draw. I remembered English yesterday and smiled. "What're you smiling at?" Taylor questioned smirking at me, "He has a crush on the new girl in our English class." Lea teased. "I do not!" I yelled lightly shoving Lea's shoulder lightly, "You so do!" She said shoving me back. "Nash has a crush!" Taylor teased in a singsong voice, "Shut up!" I said shoving Taylor so he stumbled back. "What do we have first?" Taylor asked, changing the subject before I could say anything about his crush. "Why don't you check your timetable?" Lea smirked, she pulled out her timetable and smirked. "We have gym first!" Lea said high-fiving me. "Ugh that means I have maths." Taylor sighed, "Damn." Cam said, he had maths with Taylor.

The bell rang and we went to home-room. When home-room was done I met Lea outside her class then we went to gym together. We walked into gym and I scanned the gym, the only other person there was Kaitlyn. She looked at me and our eyes met, so she came over. "Hey Kaitlyn." Lea greeted her, "Hey." She replied. "Sup." I replied. "I actually didn't catch your names." Kaitlyn said after a moments silence, "Nash." I said, "Lea." Lea said smiling. "Everyone shut up!" Our gym teacher Mr Robertson yelled above all the chatter, whilst we were talking the rest of the class had entered. "Today, is dodge-ball Tuesday!" He continued, "I want Rodriguez on one team and Grier on the other, you two are the captains and can pick your teams, ladies first Grier." He finished. Lea and I stood at the front on separate sides. "Nate." I said picking a guy who was pretty athletic, "Kaitlyn." Lea said smirking at me, it gave her an advantage, I wasn't gonna nail Kaitlyn with a massive rubber ball. "Jake." I said, "Jacob." She said picking Jake's twin.

Thanks people for the reads, sorry for not uploading for ages.

Thanks buttnuggets


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