5- Dodgeball

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Nash's POV

The two teams lined up on different sides of the basketball court. There were balls scattered along the half way line. I looked at Lea, she looked at me. The whistle was blown and the game began.

Lea immediately picked up a ball and nailed one of the popular girls in the face, the girl ran off in tears. I pegged a ball at Lea but she jumped over it. One of the guys on Lea's team pegged a ball at me, I caught it, the guy swore then stormed off.

The game continued for a full half an hour. By the end of it it was 8 of us verses 4 of them. Kaitlyn, Lea, Jacob and Mike were left on their team. Jake, Simon, Jordan, Toby, Elliot, Leo, Jason and I were left on my team. Lea pegged a ball and it hit Toby in the crotch, he fell to the ground and squeaked. The game was paused to get him off the court then the game continued. Jacob threw a ball at his brother, which was caught, he sighed and walked off. Lea threw a ball and got Jake out. Kaitlyn nailed Leo in the chest, sending him off. Simon threw a ball which Kaitlyn fumbled so she was out. Lea pegged two balls at Simon and Elliot, which got them both out. Jordan threw two balls at Lea at the same time which she caught so he was out.

Jason sent a ball flying at Mike, Lea jumped in front and caught the ball before doing a summersault and landing it. "That was epic!" I heard her yell. Jason looked at her in awe then sat down on the sidelines. "Thanks babe." I heard Mike smirk, I was about to peg a ball at him but Lea beat me to it. "Rodriguez! You can't peg a ball at your own team mate!" Mr Robertson boomed at her. "Says who!?" She yelled back, I didn't throw a ball at her because that was mean. "Rules!" He replied, "Well they're fucking stupid rules..." Lea mumbled loud enough for me to hear.

"It's on like Donkey Kong!" Lea said. We had a miniature Mexican stand off before Lea pegged a ball at me, I dodged it but just as I did another one was thrown, and it hit me in the leg. I sighed before highfiving Lea

Hey Ass-Trombones!

Yeah, don't ask. Thanks for the reads!!! I know this is short and so was the last one but I didn't actually know I only posted that bit before so yeah...

Thanks everyone/buttnuggets


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