|Chapter 5.Possessive Malhotra|

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A couple weeks go by, with no major developments. I have been surprisingly nice to him during those few weeks and when I say nice, I mean really nice. That pleasant streak is soon broken though as you will soon find out. The following day, when I arrive at my office I find Manik outstretched on my chair. I clench my fists in anger, but decide I need to cool down in order for him to fall in love with me. I slowly and very hesitantly sit across from him, while he passes me a file. He sits up while I read it and waits expectantly for my response. As I read the file, I sit there in shock.

All I can say is, "London? But why does NDC Fashion House want to see us?" Manik sighs replying, "One of my friends put in a good word for us and they would like to work with our company, so what do you say are you up to it?" I feel a little nervous yet excited. I make up my mind and enthusiastically say, "Yes of course! I think it would be really good for our company!" Manik grins, "Excellent, I knew you would say yes so I had our assistants book us on the 7 o'clock for tonight!" I drop my mouth open in shock and scream, "Are you crazy Manik? How the heck are we supposed to pack and get ready in such short notice?" Manik laughs, "Nandini we have like 7 hours! Relax it will be fine! Besides the meeting is set for the day after tomorrow so it's this flight or no flight... your call?" I groan and start walking out the door grunting, "fine... just don't be late!"

I quickly go to the store to pick up a few things since I will be gone for at least five days. I race home and throw bunch of my clothes in my suitcase along with other essentials. After packing, I notice the time is already around 5 P.M. so I gather all my suitcases and dart out the door while informing my parents of the sudden trip. I stop at the door as soon as I catch sight of a taxi and out comes Manik. I frown and then he comes over to help me put my bags away. Soon enough we both drive towards the airport while he whispers in my ear, "You look good in jeans!"

 Soon enough we both drive towards the airport while he whispers in my ear, "You look good in jeans!"

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I am actually wearing tight fitted jeans that really compliment me. I cock an eyebrow as if saying 'are you checking me out?', which causes him to laugh.

After arriving at the airport, we check in our bags and wait to board the flight. Manik is obviously getting bored so he starts checking out girls. I roll my eyes, disgusted by his behavior. My eyes meet a random stranger's and he gives me an appreciative nod as if saying he likes what he sees. As my eyes glide over his body, I can't help but notice he is pretty good looking.

He is no Manik, that is for sure but he is not bad either

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He is no Manik, that is for sure but he is not bad either. Yes, I know I practically called Manik gorgeous, but hey, this is solely for comparison and well I'm certainly not blind either.

So anyways, the cute stranger makes his way towards me to sit in the seat next to mine. I see Manik's attention is now fully focused on me and the stranger. Manik becomes rigid as the stranger opens with, "Hi, I'm Amar." I smile sweetly responding, "Hi, I'm Nandini." This Amar person continues to flirt with me, not that I mind since I can amusingly watch Manik stiffen as Amar continues to flirt. Amar seems nice enough at first, but then I feel his finger tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. His finger then starts trailing down my neck. Uncomfortable? ...HELL YEAH!

I start uncomfortably squirming in my seat trying to keep a distance from the man. Now you may be wondering why I'm not doing anything about this pervert, well I'm kind of waiting for Manik's possessive nature to kick in. Soon enough Manik grabs Amar by the collar and throws him to the seat across from me. Manik twists his arm behind his back, the same hand Amar used to touch me. Manik growls, "Don't you ever,ever, touch her again! You hear me? Now apologize to the lady! I said APOLOGIZE NOW!" The man screams out in agony and then squeaks, "I'm sorry!" Manik twists his arm harder, which increases the volume of his shrilling voice. Manik demands, "Sorry what?" Manik's tone is so full of anger and hate; it sent a shiver down my spine. Amar weakly says, "I'm sorry miss!" Manik dumps him onto the empty seats and walks over to me, while I watch in shock. Manik takes my hand and pulls me away from the departure gate towards a more secluded area.

I just quietly follow him, not knowing how to react to that incident. He stops walking and turns around looking into my blank eyes asking, "Nandini are you okay?" I stutter lamely, "I-I umm... thanks..." Manik says lightly, "Nandini come on, we're friends so it's alright!" I give him a forced smile and then continue to think deeply. We walk around and grab some coffee until it is time to board. The whole time I can only think about his anger. I had never seen him so angry, to say that I was scared would be an understatement. I just couldn't help, but think about what he will do when I break his heart. Surely, he will not sit quietly, I just didn't know what to expect from such a complex person. It definitely worries me, but not enough to back out of my plan. In fact, it sort of motivates me to work harder in that if he is more in love with me then he would be more forgiving... or at least I would hope so.

Soon it is time to board the flight so Manik and I make our way to the first class area. We get window seats, with me sitting near the window. Now I should have probably mentioned to Manik that I'm not really a fan of flying and sitting next to this window will probably make me want to vomit. I whisper to Manik softly, "Can we switch seats?" Manik removes his attention from the pretty flight attendant and looks at me worriedly asking, "What's wrong?" I hesitantly respond, "I don't like flying and looking out the window makes me sick..." Manik laughs and leans over my chair and pulls down the shutter for the window. I laugh in embarrassment since I completely forgot that I could close the window. When the plane takes off, I grab onto the armrest... or well what I think is an armrest. Manik leans over, temporarily distracting me as he says, "You're so cute Nandini, but you know I think this little fear of flying is just an excuse to get close to me!" I narrow my eyes and give him a mean glare for having even suggested the idea. I quickly let go of his wrist and fold my arms over my chest in annoyance.

The rest of the flight consists of Manik flirting with every single flight attendant on the entire plane. Not that I'm jealous or anything, but I think it's quite annoying to hear a different person giggling every few minutes. I finally decide to put my Ipod to good use and put me out of my misery. Manik seems to find my displeasure of the women, especially amusing. He is probably under the misconception that I am jealous. I most certainly am not and it only irritates me that thinking I'm jealous causes him to smirk. Oh please, that has got to be the oldest trick in the book not to mention I used that on him with that Amar person.

Anyways I end up taking a nap on Manik's shoulder much to my dismay. I really didn't want to wake up to see him, it's just not something one hopes for, you know? I mean to see your enemy's bright and smiling face when you wake up is like my worst nightmare. It is already morning and now I am thoroughly convinced my entire day is going to be cursed because of it .

Precap: More from the trip.


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