|Chapter 6. Trip or Nightmare|

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The nightmare soon begins as we arrive at the Heathrow airport in London. Manik and I swiftly make our way to the baggage claim area. Manik promptly finds his luggage and tosses the bags onto our trolley, while I wait for my suitcases to roll through. We stand there for a good twenty minutes and still no sign of my luggage. We then head over to the desk and find out that my bags have been accidentally shipped over to Manchester! I start yelling at the incompetent workers for sending all of my belongings to a whole other city in England. Manik tries to calm down my anger, "Nandini you will get your luggage by tomorrow!. For now, I'll take you to some store to buy some clothes, okay?" I sigh in exhaustion from my temper tantrum and nod obediently. By the time we leave the airport, it is quite late at night. We both quietly make our way to hail a cab and drive to find any store on the way to our hotel.

We drive around for about half an hour trying to find something open, but sadly, everything seems to be closed at this time of night. I start to get aggravated, while Manik gives me an apologetic look. We decide to go straight to our hotel because we have lost hope in trying to find a clothing store open at this point. Manik and I finally arrive at our luxurious hotel and I look around in excitement because of the elegant dcor. We walk up to the receptionist and Manik turns on his charm. Wait, what am I saying his charm is always switched on! He starts to flirt with the receptionist while giving side glances to me. I roll my eyes completely annoyed and bored of his routine. He laughs slightly and asks the receptionist to give us the keys to our rooms. The receptionist turns to us giving us a rueful look. She says, "I'm so sorry ma'am, but since you two are late for check in we had to give away one of the rooms you both reserved. We only have one room available under your reservation, which is Mr. Malhotra's room. I'm sorry for the inconvenience!"

My annoyance with this woman erupts, "WHAT? You're sorry? You're sorry? YOU GAVE AWAY MY **** ROOM!" Manik restrains me from jumping on this woman. I am certainly having a horrible day and this is just makes it worse. He grabs the key from the woman who gives him another sympathetic look. Oh man, I really want to hurt this woman! She has the audacity to make Manik seem like some kind of a saint, while looking at me as if I am the devil reincarnated. He lets go of me in the elevator, while I let out a breath of air as if trying to rid my anger.

When we get into the room, I spot a beautiful king sized bed. The decor gave the room a romantic atmosphere. I looked towards Manik suspicious and skeptical. Then I see a smirk make its way to his lips, while looking over at the bed seeing as it's the only one in the room. I have half a mind to ask if Manik had anything to do with all the mishaps today. I walk into the room collapsing on the bed in pure exhaustion. I look towards the bathroom really wanting to have a nice warm shower. The only problem is that I have no spare clothing. Manik notices me looking at the bathroom longingly and laughs at me dilemma. He comes towards me giving me a white button up shirt and a pair of black boxers to wear. I look at him and smile sweetly although I really want to accuse him some more about this being his master plan.

I walk towards the bathroom and decide to help further along my own plan. As I step into the shower, all my anger melts away. I feel a lot calmer and relaxed as the hot water runs down my body. After I get out of the shower refreshed, I slip on the clothes Manik had given me. It faintly smells like him, making me shiver a bit. I leave my hair down, with droplets of water trailing by body. I check my reflection making sure I look tempting enough to gain Manik's attention. I step out the bathroom, noticing Manik fiddling with the knob of the television.

He turns to look at me, acknowledging my presence. I know that's not all he was acknowledge because his eyes were lingering down my body, noticing the first couple buttons of the shirt open along with my long legs brushing against one another. I mentally smirk as his mouth drops open, while I slowly and provocatively walk towards him. I stop in front of him and bend towards him, throwing him off slightly. He is certainly expecting a kiss at any moment now because his eyes linger at my luscious pink lips. I just smile seductively, reach over to grab the remote he hasn't seen, and hand it to him.

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