|Chapter 30. Old Friend|

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The ambulance soon arrives to take Manik to the hospital. I hold his hand in the ambulance as tears stream down my cheeks. I wipe my tears knowing that I have to think positively and be strong. Nothing is going to happen to him. He wouldn't leave me or else who would annoy me? I rub his hand as my vision starts to blur again. I can't act weak in front of him! I couldn't let him see me so vulnerable and so broken because of him and his fragile state. I close my eyes and pray to God to keep Manik safe. We soon arrive at the hospital and they took him to the emergency room while I fill out paperwork. I feel so alone as I sit in the waiting room with no one for support.

A familiar looking doctor emerges from the emergency room asking, "Who brought in Manik Malhotra?"

I quickly sprint towards the doctor saying, "I did, I'm his wife... Nandini."

He looks at me shocked and then says, "Hi Nandini... I'm Dr.Armaan Malik."

I look at him closely because that name seems vaguely familiar

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I look at him closely because that name seems vaguely familiar. OH! That's when it clicks. Now I remember, Armaan Malik was Manik's good friend back when we were dating 8 years ago. After we broke up, I couldn't believe Armaan was friends with someone like Manik because Armaan was such a sweet guy, at least from what I remember anyways. After Manik broke up with me, he tried to make me feel better by comforting me. I smile through my tears at him, "It's good to see you again, Armaan. How's Manik doing?"

He smiled, "Let's go to my office."

I quietly follow him into the room, where he shuts the door and I sit down across from him. He folds his hands and says, "Don't worry Nandini he is alright. He has a minor fracture on his right arm, he has a couple minor scratches on his forehead as well, and a sprained ankle. Time will heal all. Thankfully, the car only brushed past him and he didn't sustain any major injuries. Soon he will be as good as new."

I impatiently ask, "Can I see him?"

He reply's, "Yes, but he isn't conscious yet. He will be awake in a few hours."

I wipe my tears saying, "Thanks Armaan."

He looked at me slowly replying, "It's the least I could do Nandini... Please don't thank me."

Just then a female doctor enters the room saying, "Armaan, Dr. Keerti is looking for you."

Armaan has a worrisome expression on his face and replies, "Thanks Riddhima."

He looks towards me saying, "I'll come to check on Manik in a few hours. He's been shifted in room 225, you can go see him." I look at him gratefully before heading towards Manik's room.

When I get to his room I regain composure in attempts to cover up the tears I shed. I slowly open the door and see Manik's frail body lying on the hospital bed, looking so helpless. I make my way to sit next to him, waiting for him to open his eyes. The moment he would open his eyes I would start lecturing him about being so careless now if only he would just open his eyes. How could he walk in the middle of the street so obliviously? What the heck was he thinking? He acts like such a child sometimes. So careless, so irresponsible.

I decide to call our parents and tell them about Manik's accident. When I call both my parents and his parents are shaken up at first, but after I assure them that he is all right, they finally relax. I come back in the room to see Manik still hasn't woke up and it starts to worry me. I give his hand a tight squeeze and moments later feel him squeeze my hand in return. I see his eye flickering open and I dart out the room to get Armaan to check on Manik. Soon Armaan enters the room while I stand watching outside the room from the window. Armaan emerges from the room minutes later assuring me he is perfectly normal and awake.

I slowly enter the room and see Manik blankly staring out the window. As soon as I sit down, I ask, "How are you?"

In a scratchy deep voice he replies, "I'm fine."

I wipe my tears saying, "Good... now... HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID?! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! YOU COULD HAVE DIED! WE ARE IN FREAKING SWITZERLAND! WHAT WOULD I DO IF SOMETHING HAPPENED TO YOU?! HOW CAN YOU BE SO SELFISH?!" I start gasping for breathe and slowly look at Manik, who looks frightened enough to wet himself. His eyes express his desire to run away, but his poor ankle is stopping him because he sprained it. I glare at him and wait for an answer, yet he avoids eye contact and his eyes search for an escape route.

I get annoyed and exclaim, "WELL? AREN'T YOU GOING TO SAY SOMETHING?"

He starts stuttering, "I-I'm s-sorry?"

I huff, "Oh so is you're sorry going to heal you? Look at you, you're a mess!"

He replies dully, "Thanks..." We both sit there in silence, which gives me time to calm down and sort out my anger.

Suddenly Manik says, "Nandini I'm sorry..."

I narrow my eyes in curiosity and then reply, "It's okay just don't do it again!" He nods and then starts staring at the ceiling.

Five seconds later he turns towards me and asks, "Wait what did you think I just apologized for?"

I look at him oddly before replying, "For darting out into the street to stalk me!"

He smacks his hand against his forehead and then yelps in pain. Before I can get to him, he says, "I'm okay... Nandini that's not what I apologized for. I meant the kiss. I broke your trust...again. I'm really sorry Nandini, it won't happen again."

I sigh, "Let's not talk about it now and on top of that I'm still mad at you for acting like a moron!" Manik then leans back against the bed and sighs.

I look out the window to see Armaan and Riddhima arguing right outside. I turn to Manik saying, "I can't believe Armaan is a doctor here in Switzerland. God I haven't seen him since... we broke up."

He follows my gaze to the window and softly replies, "Yeah... I haven't seen him for years either."

I look at Manik completely bewildered because Armaan and Manik used to be inseparable back then. I guess everything changes with time.

Armaan then enters the room and says, "Nandini you look tired, go eat something. I'll stay with Manik until then." I look back at Manik and then at Armaan before leaving the room. It would give them some time to talk.

When I came back in the room, both of them stop talking and turn their attention to me. I break the awkward silence and ask, "What were you guys talking about?"

Manik laughs oddly saying, "Nothing just catching up."

I nod and then ask Armaan, "So when can Manik get discharged?"

Armaan replies, "We will have to keep him for about a week until he fully recovers."

I nod and look over at Manik to see him groaning. I guess he doesn't like being in a hospital much. I snort at his childish behaviour and earn a glare from him.

Just then Riddhima comes in the room saying, "Armaan... where is the file I asked for an hour ago?"

Armaan holds his ears and says sweetly, "Oops sorry. I'll go get it now." Armaan gets up to leave the room smiling at Manik and me and ends up bumping into Riddhima. They both start arguing while leaving the room. Those two are something else. I wonder how they get anything done around here, but I have to admit they make a very cute pair. I hope Armaan and Riddhima get together. I look back at Manik and groan inwardly because fate keeps trying to bring us together.


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