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This is not going to be sad. Have you ever fall for someone by just looking at their face? Ohhh i did!

I know that if i tell my friends about this they will not take it seriously because i am currently in a deep like of this particular person and i am not going to mention his name unless you ask me privately *blushing*. Okay move one to the other person. I will named him as Ted (not his real name ofcourse). I was just fell for him two days before. I know it sounds ridiculous but it is the truth.

He is so damn handsome. I guess he is rich too. I am not going to be materialistic but who wants to date someone who does not have money. I don't care if he is poor or what but please spare some money for himself because clearly i am not going to ask him to pay for my food even i wish he will.

He owns a good figure. If he failed his studies i bet he can just simply apply for modelling and work. So i have made a plan for him so that we both will not suffer later  you know right i am still sad about my exam which may cause me to leave my dreamed career.

I am just kidding. He will not end up with me because i can clearly see he is not interested in me. *sobs sobs*. Or should i seduce him. He will definitely fall for me though *evil laughs right now*. Still thinking and considering the idea. Should i or should i not. Help me to figure this out. Hehe

I want him to mine. Hahahhaahhaahahahhahahah

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