19 years later

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Draco held his son's hand as they ran through the pillar to platform 9 and 3/4. Heather smiled softly at her young daughter before scooping her into her arms, not able to yet run herself. Scorpius Malfoy was off to his first year at Hogwarts. Heather set Harmony down to say goodbye to her brother. Brianna ran up to heather and engulfed her in a hug.
"I can't believe our babies are going off to school," she cried.
"Moooom!! you're so embarrassing," Albus Severus whined. Brianna proceeded to fix his hair and kiss his cheek much to his dismay. Harry had his little girl and other boy by his side. Heather waved to Ron and Hermione as they said goodbye to their son. Their daughter ran over to Harmony and hugged her. Harmony giggled. They all kissed their children and waved as The Hogwarts Express rolled out of King's Cross Station.

A/N- well it's over! I hope you all enjoyed it :) bye!!

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