Alluring In Blood -25

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          You know that feeling of accomplishment, that when you do something against everyone’s belief and end up laughing at their priceless expression. Well I felt that, along with satisfaction and pride.

          Until I felt a sharp stab at my back that was bruised from Quinn’s spear, it hurted beyond imagination. Snapping open my eyes, I saw Landon on his knees, looking down at the dagger with shock.

          Behind me was Katrina, smirking like the b*tch she was. And as for Julian? He was nowhere. Jason’s body was nowhere.

          “You sneaking little sl*t,” Katrina said, stalking to face me now. I winced at the growing pain, my head seemed to be buzzing. Landon was passed out now but I didn’t care, I would have kicked him down the pothole if I wasn’t in this state. “Did you think you could keep him? Like some pet dog? Kick him then call him back.”

          “What do you want?” I cried out, remembering Quinn. Except Quinn looked impassive, Katrina looked alive with boiling emotions, not only anger but also disgust and hurt.

          “He loves me, not you. I knew him before you! We wrote letters until you disappeared and did that mating thing with him!” Whoa, back up for a moment. They were past lovers, then.  “You made him into this monster.”

          “He’s not a monster you fool.” I snapped back. I felt myself drain at the emotions and went to calm myself. “And what do you mean, wrote to him?”

Where are you Julian?

          “He is now.” Katrina hissed, narrowing her eyes at me. “You don’t see anything. You’re blind to the world around you. Killing you here is a favor to Landon, it’s nothing to what I’m prepared to do once we get out of here.”

Like hell, I’m allowing you to stab me again.

          “He loves me. Landon was in this school before, but…”

          Before she had a chance to do or say anything more, a large gap opened below us. Each one of us fell. Landon, Katrina and me. I banged my head but there was never darkness, my skin cut open at the jagged rocks but it relieved me when Katrina screamed. At least I wasn’t the only one suffering.

          I looked below me and saw a light. It looked like water, how it glimmered and the smell was salty. My heart picked up its pace as the sight neared.

Not this, anything but water…and closed spaces.

          Water enveloped me as I landed, so deep that my eardrums popped painfully. Instinctively, I took a deep breath, allowing the water to pour in and inflame my organs.

          Fortunately, the salty waves carried me upwards until I could feel the air restore my lungs. Except it wasn’t deep anymore. I was lying in ankle-length water, having cough fits as the shallow water rolled about.

          I looked up and choked on my surprise. A massive room/hallway was surrounding me. It looked like a ballroom that was bigger than a football field, all detailed with a fusion of colors that embraced themselves perfectly.

          Pillars were hung on the wall in sets, each one having a good space in between. Setting them apart were canvases of disfigured people. All seemed to be of a different time, there was Tudors to modern clothing involved but the faces were as if water has destroyed it.

          The marble floor was flooded two inches with water, the ceiling was also leaking tiny droplets but other than that, the ballroom was in top shape. It reminded me of the mansion where Cecile had hidden her vampires but it was too small compared to this.

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