Alluring In Blood -23

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Dedicated to Birdie-pie, go read her stories.

Cryptic, and 1 vs 1001. Yes, only those. Now go, go. No wait, after you read this then go.


          Silently I trailed behind Dakota who seemed to be ready to burst into flames. Well if that was her gift, she would have burnt down the building already. I agreed with Dakota on Sabina’s case. Taking a jab at Drew was a low blow but she didn’t need to fling Sabina across time and set her on the school’s rooftop.

          Don’t even ask me how she managed, I was kind of in my own labyrinth maze during the moment. Every word Ileana told me was bouncing inside my skull, demanding attention. I couldn’t focus on anything else. Not Landon and Jason who threw me wary looks- well Landon was more of an angered expression. Not even to the Mylings that demanded my attention that they even bothered to sing.

Come come, little girl-

I blocked them out.

          How would you react? Nothing seems fit anymore. Everything is rushed, as if they planned to have me destroyed before some deadline and found the times efficient to cram in all the information in one go.

          I sighed as we entered the Physical building, humming with the quiet noise of the students. What’s the point of training now? I needed to be in some dark room, thinking over what just happened. Not prancing around in my latest Zorya designer underwear, attempting to train with powerful beings and act like everything is just spiffy.

          The thought of Clarisse and the other two angered me, the trio that fooled naïve little Audrey. Who else was in with them? Maybe the some of the students too. However, my vampire instincts didn’t squirm around them like when I was around Elizabeth or Ileana.

Doesn’t come any smarter than me. Yes sir, not even one can outsmart this girl.

          My attempts at cheering myself failed so I focused on Dakota who was still seething anger. That made me feel better, that I’m not the only one with an overload of negative emotions. “You done daydreaming?” Startled, I looked around and myself surrounded by abandoned buildings, wielding a dagger and archery equipments and dressed in a uniform that blended well with the bleak grayness of the area.

How did I miss all this?

          “Uh…Yeah. Sorry about that.” I murmured absentmindedly. My brain quickly set itself into survival mode and I was searching for the others, waiting to pop out and attack us. “Mind if I ask you something?”


I go ahead and ask anyway. “What are the rules for Lockin?” I asked sheepishly.

          “Nothing actually. But the winner gets a gift, you’ll see.” Dakota whispered. Looking over her shoulder she added, “Come on we should find a place to stay at before everyone teams up. Oh by the way, allies?”

          “I don’t know. You’re still considered a cripple without dosing on medicines every few hours. Ow! I’m kidding. Of course I’ll be your ally.” I muttered angrily, rubbing my arm. “Keep on hitting me and I’ll go ahead and backstab you.” I added threateningly.

          Dakota rolled her eyes and said something but I was thinking of potential threats. “Who does Jason usually team up with?” I asked as we entered a meek building that held a skeleton and a few unlit matches by his/her side. I picked them up and tucked them in the many pockets as Dakota mulled over the question.

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