Finally Seeing Jack

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Jacks POV
I woke hearing doctors mumbling beside me. The all too familiar beeping that always welcomed me waking up. My eyes didn't want to stay open again as usual... I couldn't stay awake long enough for doctors to explain whats wrong with me. I always just dozed off into deep sleep again.
My body throbbed and ached with every movement and I could feel tubes against my skin.
I hated being here, I hated not being able to stay awake. I fought to wake up everyday just so I could see if Mark had come to visit... But he hadn't to my disappointment.
I feel like he wants nothing to do with me... I haven't seen him since the call with the Anti incident. I wake every hour... Hoping to see him... Only to fall asleep in disappointment of not seeing him yet again.

Marks POV
The streets in the morning were cold and crowded. Constant mumbling and murmuring filled my ears with the odd scream from a fan that recognized me. 'The fun part about being a youtuber I guess' I rolled my eyes with sarcasm to my own thoughts as I took a selfie with another fan before continuing my stroll though the unfamiliar streets. Ethan had dropped me off less than a block away from the hospital near some shops and cafes. I sighed knowing today wouldn't be easy, that Jack is ill and there's nothing I can do but visit him.
As I walked down the street, a door to a cafe opened making me jump. Turning from fright, a sign in the window caught my attention. A light up sign saying 'open' began glowing with a sign below it saying 'now hiring' . I smile back at the lady in the window as she smiles and waves at me. I decide to walk in to greet her in person. It's nice and cozy in here with a comforting scent of coffee and chocolate.
"Good morning sir" the lady from the window greeted me as she wiped down a table.

"Good morning-" I look at her name tag. "Amy" I smiled and looked up at her face. She was pretty. Light blonde hair, dark brown eyes like mine, a bright smile that seemed to comfort me and obvious makeup but not overdone. She was slightly shorter than me so I had to look down at her, she was skinny with a perfect body.
"You look beautiful today" I smiled at her. She giggled and playfully punched my arm.

"Thank you. You look very nice yourself sir" I side smiled admiring her.

"Oh where are my manners? Im Mark" I reached a hand out.

"Im Amy" she shook my hand looking me in the eyes before letting go and pushing a lose strand of hair behind her ear. "So what can I do for you today Mark?" She asked as she walked behind the counter and tidied some things up to look nicer. She turned back to me with a friendly smile that made my heart race.

"A-A H-Hot chocolate p-please" I stuttered. She chuckled then wrote my name on a cup and turned her back to me as she began making it. I slapped my head for stuttering.

"Marshmallows?" She asked as she put hot water in my drink. I nodded with a smile, hot chocolates not the same without marshmallows. "So Mark. Anything planned for today?"

"Visiting my friend in hospital... He's in a horrible state at the moment" I sighed and looked down at the floor. Twirling my thumbs over each other.

"Oh Mark... Im so sorry for you and your friend" she gave me sympathy. I looked up at her and gave a faint sign of a smile before tears welled in my eyes.
"Tell you what, Mark. Lets start your days off well. I will pay for your beverage every morning you come here alright?" She smiled as she placed the beverage in front of me on the counter.
"Including this one. Enjoy, oh and I should give you my number!" She smiled as she rushed to find paper. No one was in line behind me which I was thankful about. I clutched the beverage between both my hands like it meant life as I tilted the cup and took a sip. Mellowing my body, everything feeling less horrible. She soon came back to me with a number on the back of a receipt with her name on it.
"If you need anything and I mean ANYTHING ... Call or text me"  she smiled and handed me the paper. I smiled and thanked her. She came around the back of the counter to me and gave me a comforting hug that I returned.

"Thank you so much Amy. But I can't have you pay for my drinks, you work here and make money, I don't want you to waste it on me" I admitted and placed my money in her hand. She forced it back into mine and shook her head.

"No I will pay, It's fine by me to pay. Anything to help a friend" she smiled. I smiled when she called me a friend even though we just met.
I smiled taking my money back.

"Thank you Amy. I will make sure I text you my with my name so you have my contact incase anything happens" Glancing up at the clock above her head, I realize hospital opening hours start in about 5 minutes. "I better get going" I smiled before waving her a goodbye. She waved back.
I took another sip as I made my way to the hospital.

Jacks POV
I woke up again and opened my eyes drowsily. Hoping to see Mark... I looked around the room seeing no one, fatigued with tiredness.
I sighed.

"Knew he wouldn't of come yet again." I said out loud. That was... Till I looked beside me after hearing a cough and jumped off the bed seeing a person.

"Jack calm down it's just me!" Mark said with a laugh. My heart raced from the jump scare as I looked over his features... It was Mark! All the tiredness now scared off. I smiled and cupped his cheek with my hand, happy he had finally come.

"Mark I missed you so fookin much!" I said as loud as my weak voice would let me. Tears of joy falling down my cheeks. He chuckled and placed his hand on mine that's on his cheek. I felt better now that he was here, I felt my energy build up and my pain drop to nearly nothing.

"I missed you too my green bean" he laughed, leaning closer then kissing my cheek. I felt myself blush... Wishing it was my lips he'd kissed.

"Mark, can you please grab the remote at the end of the bed and make the bed sit-up?" I asked. "Should be number 4" He looked down the bed for the remote, taking it in his hand then pouted at the buttons.

"There's no numbeeeeeeers!" He yelled with a croak making me laugh. Reminding me of that time when he played FNAF and yelled that. I indicated for him to pass me the remote, he passed it over and I showed him. He pressed it after saying 'oh' and the bed made low humming mechanical noises as it sat me up slowly.
"You look awful"

"Wow, I love you too" I laughed sarcastically. He laughed at realizing how mean he'd sounded.

"Sorry I hadn't meant it like that. I love you Sean, you know that" I blushed harder hearing that he loves me. I smiled and nodded that I do know. Mark placed the remote back on my bed. I could see him better now since I wasn't laying down.

"You look just as awful... When was the last time you slept?" I frowned in worry for him. He looked horrible with black bags under his eyes and close to bloodshot eyes. He looked away before answering.

"A few hours a night. No more than 5 hours. I keep waking up early, worried about you. My flight only arrived here yesterday so I couldn't come see you because by the time I got somewhere to stay it was already 9pm" Mark admitted.

I smiled. "At least you came all this way for me." I placed my other hand on his hair and ran my fingers through his hair like a comb. He leaned towards me again and I knew it would just be another cheek kiss... But I was wrong.
His warm lips met mine. At first I wasn't sure what to do... But then I just melted into it, shutting my eyes, kissing back. He was the one to pull away and break the kiss, instead he smiles at me as we both pant and blush heavily. Could of lasted longer if there wasn't something called breathing that we had to do. I smile at him and kiss his forhead. Taking both his hands in mine.
"Does this mean we're-" Mark cut me off by looking me in the eyes with a smirk.

"There was only one thing I could say... Septiplier away"

Meeting him (AntixJackxDarkxMark) Where stories live. Discover now