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A/N: 26/02/2018
Im so sorry guys but please stay with me. Updates will be out later because at the moment I'm extremely heart broken, sick and struggling to cope.
Heres the story, so I'd been dating a boy for nearly 5 years, would of been five years on 5th of July. That whole time I thought he would be the love of my life, that he was the one for me as everyone thinks in a relationship... But then came a moment where a rumor had made its way to him that me and my best friend that I note is a girl had kissed on the lips and made out. He began questioning me and I answered honestly that I hadn't because Im only loyal to him... But he wouldn't believe me no matter what I said. My said best friend had even told him that we hadn't yet he still didn't believe me. This lead to us taking a break... Only to have him shatter my heart by calling me his Ex without telling me we'd even broken up. It happened about a week ago but Im still hurting and I don't know why, I should be over it right? Im not taking it well because as I said, I thought he was the one. Its hard to get over this so please if you have any advice, I would love some right now or anytime soon. Any advice at all.
But the next chapter will be late out Im so sorry but Im just not in the right mind place to write or think straight. Please forgive me.

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