Love struck

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They look into each others eyes, a loving smile creeping onto each others faces.

Dark and Anti's eyes begin to glow, not their normal terrifying glow, instead a dull glow that vaped out like smoke. They both close their eyes and laugh, their chests moving with every laugh they produced. Where a hole was mimicking their hearts place, glowing with each others colors- Antis' radiating pastel red while Darks' radiates vibrant green. They continue to laugh, unaware of their glowing heart holes, a swirl of their radiating lights surrounding them in a tornado form, levitating them above the ground. The swirling light fading into pink and red strands like ribbons.
They open their eyes, setting their gazes on each other, still laughing. Their hands threaded within each others. Both their hair flies up as if they were in a wind tube. They begin to spin with the swirl around them, spinning in circles. They see the glowing of their hearts radiating through the others shirt. Antis smile drops, concern replacing it with a hint of fear at the unknown. Anti looks down at his own chest, confusion filling his gaze as he lifts his own shirt to find it was where his heart had once been.
Dark laughs though, lifting Anti's chin with his hand, "Anti, don't worry my dear little green demon. It means we've found our match" Dark smiles. Placing a delicate kiss on Anti's lips. Anti eases into the kiss, his fear slowly melting away but settling down in his stomach like wax of a lit candle. Unable to diminish it. Dark gives in to his new heart, beating and radiating green within his chest... Scaring him a little at the unfamiliar feeling. They both wore smiles in the kiss as they lower back to the ground, confused on what happened but not being against it. The swirl calms down and glows a dull pink before disappearing in a marvelous swarm of pink glowing butterflies. Fluttering with their light around the dark room till they fade like stars into the morning. (Cringe yeah I know sorry, I easiest and cringiest transition)
They both pull away away with a smile. Their eyes human again, Jacks eyes their adorable lovable ocean blue that everyone melts seeing. Marks, their chocolate brown, sweet enough for Jack to fall in love with and gaze into for hours. Mark smiles wider seeing Jack was back to his normal self, healthy and smiling at him with his warm, friendly smile he missed seeing. His adorable laughter and the familiar feel of his warm skin.
Jack smiles back seeing Mark properly instead of in a blurry drowsed haze that he's been in from being weak and ill. Seeing Marks inviting smile, hearing his contagious laughter, feeling his soft skin of his fingers between his own.
"I guess they've made up" Mark laughs, placing his hands on Jacks cheeks. Jack begins to feel tears at his eyes, bombarding Mark with a hug. Mark is taken back in surprise, not expecting Jack to hug him so quick.

"I missed you Mark" Jack cries. Hugging Mark tighter.

"I missed you too Jackiboy" Mark says, hugging Jack back tight. "I never meant to hurt you..."

"How did you hurt me? Anti did, not you" Jack tell his, pulling away from the hug enough to look at Marks face.

"I don't know... I just feel like I have" Mark tells him, Jack confused as ever.

"Mark, you didn't hurt me okay? You know we can't control them. So don't blame yourself for something that isn't in your control."

"Okay, you have a point... That and I can't deny you" Mark smiles making Jack blush a little.

"I guess so" Jack smiles, trying to stop his blush worsening. Making a pouty face between Marks hands making them both laugh. Mark removes his hands from Jacks cheeks, wrapping his arms around Jacks shoulders.

"Im glad your okay Jack. Im sorry I didn't come sooner to visit you" Mark says in a whisper over Jacks shoulder into his ear. "I love you" Mark smiles. Jacks blush worsening.

"Mark... Look, I know you love me and all but... I want to know if you really mean it. Its one thing to say it, but another to mean it" Jack says. "I've been through enough heart break and ache to know that people don't mean what they say." Jack says in a dead flat tone. Marks smile drops as he look directly into Jacks eyes thinking he was joking that he was asking. But he realized he wasn't.

"Jack... Of course I mean it. Jack, I wouldn't say it if I didn't truly mean it" Mark explains. Jack half smiles.
"Want me to prove it?" Mark says. Jacks eyes widen, his heart jumping up in both fear and curiosity at thinking what Mark meant.  Jack simply nods as his heart races. Unable to produce words or any form of brain function.
"Okay." Mark kneels down in front of Jack, grabbing his hands in his and putting on a smile with loving eyes. "Sean William Mcloughlin ..." Jack blushes hard. Knowing it wasn't a proposal though since they weren't even a thing yet... 'Wait thats what he's going to ask!!' Jack screams in his head. "Will you be my boyfriend?" He asks. Jack practically screams and jumps with excitement, joy and adrenaline.

"YES! FOOKIN JESUS YES!!" He screams. Falling to his knees and tackling Mark to the ground with a hug. Kissing him all over his face and neck. Mark laughs, not expecting for that reaction.
Both Dark and Anti screaming and happy for the two, now that they can finally be together.

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