Am I Even A Person?

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Dazai slid out into the main corridor and pranced down the hall towards Chuuya.

"So, how'd it go?"

"Mori is happy," Chuuya replied curtly, not even turning his head to look at Dazai.

"You got the rest of the day off?"


"Ahhhh, lucky. I have to go write my report at two."

"Shouldn't be hard."

"Well maybe not hard but it sure is boring."

"Go do it now then and get it out the way."

"Nah, I'm gonna put it off as long as possible. Can I come hang around at your place?"


"Eh? But we always hang out on your recovery days!"

"I said no."

"Oh come on, Chuuya, if I don't hang out with you someone is going to drag me off to actually do something."

"Go do something before they drag you then."

"Why are you being so mean today, Chuuya?" Dazai pouted, resting his chin lightly on Chuuya's shoulder.

"Can you just go find someone else to annoy for today?" Chuuya snapped harshly, walking faster.

Dazai knew when to quit and stopped walking, watching Chuuya disappear around a corner. He knew Chuuya could sometimes be a little touchy after being released from the hospital either due to something hurting or simply because he hated his hospital room, but he was never like this. A puzzled expression appeared on his face as he wondered exactly what could have set Chuuya off. The only plausible cause would be his talk with Mori just a few minutes ago and he decided to write his report in order to have an excuse to go and see Mori himself.

A short, terribly tedious while later, he was entering Mori's office with his report in hand.

"I see you've brought me your report, I'm impressed at your punctuality, Dazai, usually it takes a bit more work to encourage you to do your paperwork."

"Unfortunately, Chuuya refused to spend time with me, so I had more free time on my hands than I had previously thought."

"Very well, hand me your report." Mori held his hand out and Dazai gave him the paper, standing still as Mori read through it.

"It is of an average standard, but next time you need to include more details. Luckily for you, Chuuya gave me a detailed report up until the point of Corruption and so you will be excused from re-writing this poor excuse of a report."

"Thank you very much, Sir. How is Chuuya, by the way?"

"He will be fine, he is still recovering though."

"I see, will he be needed for any more missions in the near future?"

"It's possible he will be needed within this week if things blow up by the docks, otherwise Corruption will not need to be used for a while, I suspect."

"That's good to hear, I believe Chuuya needs a good rest after using Corruption twice within a few days."

"Physically he will be back to normal very soon, there is no need to worry about his body not being able to cope with it during an emergency situation."

"And mentally?"

"He's fine mentally as well, the report he just dictated tells me that much."

"Are you sure?"

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