You've Changed

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Four years later, Dazai had a job at the ADA and Chuuya was a renowned executive. Both of them were living their separate lives, though they were in each other's thoughts more often than either of them would have liked. Chuuya blamed every little thing on Dazai, cursing the man daily yet still managing to care for his men more than any other Mafioso. Dazai, on the other hand, was more interested in women and suicide, but still found Chuuya slipping into his mind when he was out in town, especially when walking past a hat shop or near the Port Mafia territories.

It wasn't until Dazai saw Chuuya walking home that he decided to speak to his old friend.

"You've changed."

Chuuya stopped walking at the familiar voice. "Go away, Dazai, I don't want to talk to you."

"I want to talk to you."

"Tough. You're four years too late." Chuuya continued walking.

"Please, Chuuya...just listen to me this once..."

"Why should I?"

"Because I made a mistake...and I want to set it right..."

Chuuya sighed and stopped walking again. "Fine, for old time's sake."

Dazai smiled a little and caught up with his old partner. "Want to take a walk in the park?"

"Fine, wherever you want to go,"

The two of them walked to the nearest park, staying silent for a good long while before Dazai finally spoke.

"I'm sorry about leaving all those years ago. I was angry at Mori and I was upset about Odasaku...I know you tried to help me but I was just too scared to let anyone in...I didn't tell you I was leaving because I knew you would come after me and I just wanted you to continue living a comfortable life, even if your money did come from the mafia." Dazai took a deep breath and sighed, "I miss you, were one of the best friends I've ever had and I threw that friendship away...I asked you to trust me and I abused that trust...I'm sorry..."

Chuuya listened quietly, not saying anything for a short while after Dazai finished.

"I forgive you,"

"Huh?" Dazai said, looking at Chuuya a little incredulously.

"I said I forgive you, idiot," Chuuya looked up at the man beside him, an exasperated but happy look on his face. "But that doesn't mean things go back to how they were, you hear? You'll need to earn my trust again." He sighed, "It was tough for me too, you know. I spent weeks hung up about it, practically training myself to death because I didn't think I was good enough without you to cover for my mistakes, but, I'll admit, I've grown because of that. I'm a better person now and an executive to boot."

"Hm...You really have changed, Chuuya," Dazai replied sincerely, not keeping the tone that showed how impressed he was out of his voice. "But you still wear that tacky hat and you haven't grown an inch~"

"Oh shut up! Have you done anything but drink and insult people these last four years?"

"I've joined the ADA, rescued an orphan, met some new people...yeah, I'd say I've done quite a bit."

"ADA, huh...I guess we're enemies then," Chuuya chuckled. "I can't wait to have a valid excuse to obliterate you,"

"How cruel, Chuuya~"

"But in all honesty, good for you, Dazai. You've changed a lot too, and...I think you've changed for the better. I know you'll never return to the Port Mafia...and you know I'll never leave...but, shall we give our friendship a second chance?" Chuuya stopped and held his hand out to Dazai. "Because I missed you too, mackerel, and I'd gladly go out for drinks with your sorry ass sometime,"

Dazai chuckled and shook Chuuya's hand firmly, "Anytime you like, slug~"

The two of them spent the rest of the afternoon chatting, catching up, and trading friendly insults. They both knew there would be a long way to go before their friendship returned to its former status, but now that steps were being made in the right direction, that dream they'd both harboured for the past four years didn't seem so impossible anymore.

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