P.O.V Damarias

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(^My wolf^)

I look out into the vast area below us. My beta steps up besides me with a hard expression.

"We found some hunters surrounding the borders as well as some rouges and they are heading towards a camp." He says.

I look at him with a cold expression about to say something about chasing rabbits, but we were cut off by a sharp whistle sound.

"I found it.", Court breathes out," I found the entrance but we need to hurry."

I nod slightly and jog towards the camp.

" Where are you going Alpha?" Leo asks worried.

"I'm finna bust some ass, I'll meet you at the entrance just let me know where you are and I'll track you from there."

I follow the invaders' scents towards the big Oak tree that stands in the middle of the woods. It's quite for a few seconds and I strain my ears, listening for any sound. 

A piercing whistle from my left grabs my attention and I crouch down waiting for a movement. 

The bush in front of me shakes a little and a female wolf steps out swaying side to side. I look at her slightly confused at her whorish scent but I push it aside.

"What do you want?" I ask, slightly growling.

"I've come to collect you~"

"Why the fuck would he send you?"


"Your fuckin pack leader?"

"He didn't send me, the hunters did." She replies with a smirk on her wolfy face.

I shift into a human just as an arrow shoots across my chest, slightly grazing my right arm. I let out a loud growl and feel my hair change color as well as my eyes lightning. A boy and 2 girls, dressed in casual clothes surround me and I flick my wrist, my Yang bland slipping into my hand. 

" What do you want from me?" I ask looking at all of them. They share silent remarks and I take that advantage. 

I toss my blade at the first girl and summon some powers to electrocute the other 2.

She kneels onto the ground, crying out in pain and I take to knife out, letting her bleed.

"We are surrounded." Leo mindlinks me.

I leave the scene and run through the trees before light-traveling.

I appear on top of a hill that overlooks the area where my Beta and Third stay cornered.

A rouge, who I assume is the leader, reaches for Court, pulling her towards him. Fright flashes through her eyes and I feel her terror consume her from her past.

Swiftly I shift and sneak up behind the pack. A cold air tosses my fur around as I pull up behind a rouge, killing him on spot. My teeth sink into the next wolf and he falls as well as the girl besides him.

The leader turns as well as the rest of the pack. I look at Leo and he, still in human form pulls out his light bow, with silver and wolfsbane infused arrows, and shoots the next 3 wolfs. The leader looks at me with a smug look before Court, using her free arm and hand,cuts his head off. Looking at their pack leader dead, the rest of the pack scatters.

"Are you two okay?" I ask, while pulling Court and Leo into a hug, after shifting back.

I raise my head and notice the black slab of stone covering the entrance. We unlock and make our way towards the pieces of tattered, purple cloth that covers the entrance. Sniffing the air, I notice the soft scent of my mate hanging in the air, taunting me.

"Let's go." I command, motioning them to follow me before walking into the Witches Lair.


Hey guys, this is Caramel. I'm not really good at writing violent scenes so I would love recommendations. How do you like it so far? Don't forget to Like, Comment, or Share if you enjoy at. My sister and I decided that the days we will be most likely be updating are Mondays, Wednsdays , Or Fridays, I'm not sure.


love you guys,

Caramel of wrenchncaramel

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