Obsessed (Yandere Natsuki x Female Reader - No Smut)

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Requested by KrestyyKrab.

All day, Natsuki has been acting kind of off. She's been obsessing over me, always there at every moment. She was hovering over me, uncomfortably close. She hasn't been like this before. Usually, she's just a normal girl, albeit a bit aggressive. But now, she's being... odd. It's something I don't understand, and I doubt I ever will. By now, the other girls in the club have noticed it, and they seem to share my feelings. Yuri doesn't want to be involved for fear of making a fool of herself, and so she refuses to partake in any discussion we have on the topic. Eventually, while Monika, Sayori, and I are talking, Natsuki comes up to us.

"What are you guys talking about?" She asks, talking as if she's trying to be more innocent than she is.

"Oh, nothing..." Monika says. Already, Natsuki is getting closer to me. Then, Sayori makes a stupid mistake.

"Hey, uh, Natsuki... you're acting kind of weird today." She says. I silently curse her in my head. Saying that could only make things worse.

"Reeeeeeeally? How so?" Natsuki says, a look in her eyes that I can't quite pin down.

"Well, you've kind of been crowding around (y/n)... It's getting weird. I think you might need to back off a little."

In my head, I think about how stupid Sayori is being right now. She's clearly antagonizing Natsuki, which is a stupid decision.

"Really?" Natsuki says, taking offense to this. "Are you sure you're not just jealous?" she continues, adding a sharp tone to that last word, jealous.

"Jealous? What reason do I have to be jealous?" Sayori says. I wish Monika would step in, but she just sits back, doing nothing but watch the situation play out. It's a little annoying.

"You should know! All you've done is hog her this entire time!"

"Hog her? What-"

Natsuki interrupts. "You know exactly what I mean! You never stop talking to her! You're always there, blabbering on!"

"I don't under-"

"Of course you don't understand!" Natsuki blurts, not even letting Sayori finish her sentence. "Why don't you just go, then?"

Sayori pauses for a bit. "Fine." She says. Monika is obviously just confused.

"Wait, Sayori!" She says, chasing after her. Yuri is nowhere to be found.

"Finally... it's just us..." Natsuki says, putting her arms around me. She hops up into my lap. I'm taken aback.


"Yes? What? Anything you need, I'm on it." Natsuki says. I'm a little unnerved. It's weird for me. She's so willing to devote herself to me, it's rather odd. Not that I can say I dislike her now or anything. If anything, I... It's... It's kind of attractive to me, in an odd way.

"Hey, (y/n)?" Natsuki says, looking up at me. "I have something to say to you."

"W-What is it?" I ask, nervous all of a sudden.

"I love you."

I freeze, and nearly jump. Love? She loves me? This is so weird for me... do I love her? Can I even? This is so sudden... I decide not to think, and instead just say the first thing that comes to my mind.

"I love you too."

That was the first thing that came to mind? My heart pounds. I love her? Do I? I must have, otherwise I wouldn't have said it. Before I can think anymore, Natsuki plants a kiss of my lips. It's a warm and unexpected sensation, something I didn't expect but still found myself enjoying.

"(y/n), I love you so much... I would die for you, honestly... no joke." She says to me, our faces a few inches apart. I think again on what to say, but this time, I'm absolutely sure.

"I love you too, Natsuki. Always and forever."

Well, that was short. I've never done a one-shot before, I'm used to writing longer stories. Sorry if I fucked up the Yandere thing, that's also something I'm unfamiliar with. In any case, I hope it was enjoyable.

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