Confidence (Natsuki x Yuri - No Smut)

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Requested by Spongepai_

Natsuki's small frame and short stature have always made things a little hard for her. She always has to ask for people to get things off of high shelves, and right now is a prime example of this.

She stares helplessly at her manga, which has been placed on the very highest shelf of the entire back closet. She curses Monika under her breath for misplacing it as usual, but decides not to grill her on it. Why? She feels as if it could ruin her relationship with Monika, one of the few people she can call a friend, and if she grills her on this it could make things turn for the worse. She also doesn't want to face Monika and ask her to get the manga down because if she does, simply by seeing Monika act so innocent despite what she did will make her furious. So, she decides to go Yuri. She's the tallest person in the club room, so she figures she of all people will be able to help her. She goes over to Yuri to find her sitting on the floor against the wall, engrossed in a book as usual.

"Hey, Yuri." Natsuki says. It's odd staring down on her. Usually, she has to look up at people to talk to them. But because Yuri is sitting on the floor, she is obviously positioned below Natsuki's height.

Yuri glances up from her book to look at Natsuki. The two aren't very close, but they can still say they're friends. After all, they attend the same club. Yuri, despite being shy and nervous most of the time, feels more comfortable in the club room, and so she feels like she can act more like being herself. Of course, she's never fully opened up to anyone outside of her family, and even in that case she usually keeps quiet.

"Yes?" Yuri says. She can't imagine what Natsuki would want.

"I need you to, uh..." Her confidence falters halfway through what she's saying. Of course, she's embarrassed to admit her shortness causing misfortunes. "...get my manga from the top shelf." She finishes, rushing the words out of her mouth to get them over with.

Yuri obliges, and gets up, her figure now towering over Natsuki's. Yuri moves towards the back closet, with Natsuki following closely behind. Yuri is able to reach Natsuki's manga with ease. As she hands it to Natsuki, she sees the cover, and her interest is piqued. She pulls it back as she is handing it over and begins to read the description on the back. It interests her, but Natsuki is less than thrilled.

"HEY!! Gimme my Manga!" She shouts. Yuri jumps, handing it over to Natsuki before turning her head away in embarrassment.

"Ah, I, um... I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, um... I was just..." Yuri stammers, unable to form a complete sentence.

"Jesus, Yuri, why are you always so shy?" Natsuki says, looking over at Yuri while simultaneously focusing on getting the books in her Manga collection in order.

"S-Shy? I'm, uh..." Yuri begins.

"See? You can't even finish that sentence!" Natsuki says. Confident that her manga is in order, she slams to collection shut and turns to focus her full attention on Yuri. "You need to have more confidence in yourself. Stop second-guessing everything you say." Natsuki finishes. As she thinks over her words, she realizes she might not be the best person to be giving such advice. After all, she generally tries to assimilate her behavior into that of any social groups that happen to turn their interest towards her. Usually, however, such attempts to "fit in" are ultimately a failure, and as such Natsuki is stuck with the few friends she has.

"You're... I... um..." Yuri says, trying to come up with the right words to say. She realizes that her stammering is proving Natsuki's point further. "You're right." She finally says, standing fully upright. She puts on a serious expression to display her confidence visually, and Natsuki seems satisfied with this.

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