Help (Natsuki x Yuri)

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Requested by Sarie17

Yuri's day has not been one of note, not that it really mattered. It was time for the Literature Club, after all. Yuri walked into the clubroom to find herself the second one there after Monika. The two shared a brief exchange before Yuri hurried off to her seat, pulling out her book as usual so that she may read in quiet.

Sayori was the next one in the room, making sure her presence was known by bouncing around in her usual cheerful manner. The last one to enter was Natsuki, and though she usually came in with a tough and hotheaded attitude, she was different today. Yuri picked up on it immediately, while the other girls seemed content in their discussion. She watched Natsuki go to the back closet as usual and get out her manga, but as soon as she sat down to read, she seemed troubled. Seemingly unable to focus, she eventually just closed the manga and set it on the ground next to her.

Yuri was torn between two choices: Leave Natsuki be and just read her book, or go over to Natsuki and ask her what's wrong.

At first, she tried to focus in her book, but to no avail. Natsuki was visibly upset, and she couldn't just leave her. Yuri sighed and marked her page with her bookmark before getting up and making her way over to Natsuki.

"Wh-What-?!" Natsuki barely gets out a word as Yuri sits next to her.

"I-I just thought... Since Sayori and Monika a-are always having a conversion, w-we never really talk, a-and... S-so..." Yuri may have said that as an excuse, but it was true nonetheless. She always felt as if she and Natsuki were unreasonably distant from one another.

Natsuki is silent for a moment. "Th-Thanks... I... That's very nice of you..." She eventually says. If Sayori were back here, she would probably say something like "I'd never expect to hear that from you of all people, Natsuki," a statement that could only make things worse. Luckily, Sayori was not back here, and so the situation was just fine.

The girls sat in silence for a moment. It was Natsuki who broke the silence.

"So... Um... D-Do you want to do something? W-We aren't doing anything at the moment... I-It must b pretty boring..." She says.

Yuri thinks for a moment before speaking. "I... We don't really h-have to do anything... I-If you'd rather do nothing, I-I'm okay with that..." For a moment, there's silence before Yuri speaks up again. "Um... A-Are you alright? Y-You seem a little d-downcast..." She says.

Natsuki looks away. "I... I'm... I'm f-fine..." She says weakly. Yuri, of course, doesn't buy it.

"I-If you want to talk about it, I-I'll do what I can to help... B-but if you want me to stay out or it, th-that's okay too... I won't push myself on you..." Yuri says.

Natsuki turns to look at Yuri now. Her eyes are wet, and her lip is almost trembling. "I... I do want to t-talk..." She says quietly, just barely loud enough for Yuri to hear.

Yuri nods.

Natsuki begins to speak. "M-My f-father... He..." She swallows. "H-he used to to be a g-good man... I... I loved him, like a d-daughter should... B-but..." She hesitates. "A-After my mother died... H-He started d-drinking... A-and..." She stops for a moment again. "He... He h-hits me..."

Yuri hugs Natsuki emotionally, passionately. "Oh, Natsuki..." She says as tears start streaming down Natsuki's face. Yuri starts to cry as well.

"N-Natsuki... I want you to know... Whatever you need... I'll help you, I'll be there for you..." Yuri says.

Natsuki pulls away for a moment and looks Yuri in the eyes.

"Y-You can't mean that..."

"I do." Yuri affirms. "Natsuki, I'll do anything for you. I'll always be there, I'll..." Yuri trails off.

"Yuri..." Natsuki says. "Th-Thank you... So much... I..." She pauses and places her arms around Yuri.

"I love you..."

And they kissed.

Natsuki was fully expectant that Yuri would pull away immediately, but the opposite happened; she kissed back, in turn making Natsuki's eyes go wide and causing her to withdraw first.

"Natsuki... I'm so happy you said that, so, so happy you said that..." Yuri says.

Natsuki's eyes sparkle. "D-Does that mean..."

"Yes." Yuri says. "I love you too, Natsuki."

Natsuki smiles brightly. "Yuri, this... I'm..."

Yuri pulls Natsuki into a deep, passionate embrace.

"I'm going to help you through everything... We're going to work through this together, you and I... And I'm going to do it because I love you... No, we're going to do it because we love each other."

Natsuki smiles genuinely for the first time in years.


"Come on..." Yuri stands up and offers her hand to Natsuki. Natsuki takes her hand, and Yuri pulls her up.

"Let's go get started." Yuri finishes.

The girls stand walk out of the room, holding hands, to go finally deal with the issues at hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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