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The year is still young but my life sucks already, I need time to myself to review my priorities for this year. I deserve a break from everything ,everyone and life in the city. After working the whole December straight and then starting the new year on a bad note even my boss agree I need a vacation.

I got a full week off and I promised myself that I am going to enjoy myself . I want to go somewhere where I can get peace and tranquility even if its just for a week. This time I am not going to worry about how people are doing back home or if they need more money. I am going to worry about me only, I am going to take care and pamper myself.

After my boss gave me my check and a bonus I pay my expenses and I was still left with a lot of money. The remaining money I budgeted it for a tour. I had three destinations in mind, the Grand Fish River Canyon, The Namib Naukulfat park and The Etosha National park. Etosha offer a diverse rage of game drives, night Game sighting, the Namutoni old German fort and romantic diner at the camps and many luxury. I have never gone to any tours or adventures apart from those that involve going in the crop field to go look for a troublesome lone goat and watermelons.

I boarded a bus that was going north and it dropped me at Namutoni, I didn't have any struggle since I got accommodation at the Namutoni Camp. I made sure i got a cabin that is far away from the thick bushes as possible. I don't want to be visited by nosy jackals and Wild dogs in the middle of the night. From here i can see the Acasia trees with big Weaver birds nest , that explains the loud twitter. There is a flower bed of Cherry blossoms blooming in the sunset just outside my window, I don't know where they got them from since they are indigenous but they look pretty.

I hope the rest of my year is going to be fruitful and not sad and full of disappointments like it started.Let me tell you how my year started. My Cousin Micah organised a New year bash , I went with my boyfriend Joshua. I took my roommate/best friend Laimi along because I didn't want to leave her in the room alone while I am counting down and celebrating the New Year.

At eleven while I am busy helping my cousin with the food , Joshua comes in the kitchen to inform me that Laimi is not feeling well and he is taking her home and will come back before the count down. The firework went off and still I didn't see Joshua anywhere. Me being the caring friend I am, i made up an excuse to leave the party immediately after new year so I can go check on my friend.

Laimi is a party animal , from a few times our work schedule have given us leave at the same time we go to the clubs to go blow off some steam. For her to miss a cool and vibrant party like this one she must be very sick, I mean there is free booze and cute guys here.

I take a taxi home and let myself in our apartment to find my boyfriend and my room mate in one of those position that I only sees in Kamasutra how to do it videos. Everything fell apart around me . my heart shattered and disappointed. I feel stupid for thinking that he is the one and for not noticing he is a green snake in green grass. All those time I left him in my room sleeping while I go to work they probably spend the whole day together in my bed. He is an asshole and they deserve each other, I mean that little bitch went against the best friend code and slept with my boyfriend.

I worked on auto pilot for weeks, I remember packing my things like a robot and moving into a single room. I got tired of being miserable that's why I decided to start afresh and give myself a break.

Apparently this year is Try_Tina_Patience year, or so this lone wild dog think. We have been driving in a ranger bus around the Park looking at grazing giraffes, rhinos and elephants until Jeke the tour guide suggested we should go check out the water holes. Its almost midday so most of the animals are drinking before it becomes too hot. We saw Kudus, Wildebeests , Elands, Zebras, Gemsboks , Springboks and Giraffes drinking at the water hole in harmony. Well not really in harmony since they have to be cautious. This is the time the lions, cheetahs, Hyenas, leopards and wild dogs hunt. I even saw a Bat-eared fox trying to sneak up on a baby Warthog.

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