Holy Hell

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Castiel tried to hide the tears. He walked in to the other room. The words Dean yelled still in his head I need you. Castiel needed Dean but was it his Dean anymore.  " I don't know what to do Sam." Castiel spoke with no emotion.

Sam stood up coming closer to Castiel. Castiel took a step back thinking Sam was going to yell at him or strike him. Instead Sam hugged Castiel tight. Castiel wrapped his arms around him. "is he still Dean?" Sam asked. Castiel nearly crashed by Sam thought for a moment.

Castiel opened his month to talk only getting a mouth full of moose hair. Sam let go of Castiel realizing his hair was in the way. He smirked a bit as " Dean always said my hair would get in the way."

Castiel tried to smile it probably was a weird grin but Sam say he was trying.  "He is still Dean on the out sidw as far as I can tell, but I think it would be wise for me to go and make sure he is still Dean on the inside." Sam nodded and sat back down at the table to drink.

Castiel gave a concerned look at Sam. Sitting alone in the dark thinking death is an easy way out. He looked like Dean after a bad hunt. Castiel wanted to comfort him but, the words ringing in his head pulled him away.  Castiel left the room going back to Dean.

when Castiel entered Dean was sitting in the Devils trap humming Metallica. "Dean?" Castiel voice echoed with a plea.

Dean stood up nearly begging "Cas, I am me. I can still feel things. I am just..." Dean couldn't find the word

"A demon." Castiels cold hard voice made Dean frown.

"No. I don't feel like murder.  I don't feel evil I am not them. I am not something. I am Dean Winchester. " tears started to run down Deans face. "If I could fix my eyes maybe Sam could bare to look at me."

Castiel came to the sudden realization that Dean had died or at least tipped on the edge of death. He was stabbed and then locked away. no nice family reunion and loving hugs for Dean.  "I...I am sorry Dean. " Castiel approached Dean slowly.

"No. I am sorry." Dean said looking out to Castiel

"for what?" Castiel squinted. 

" I am sorry for being a abomination cursed to hell." Dean still had his low self esteem.

Castiel looked sad at Dean "I would rather have you cursed or not." Castiel smiled a bit.

Dean took a step forward to hug Castiel.  His eyes flicked green for a second before crashing in to the invisible wall.  "Son of a bitch." Dean grabbed his head.

Castiel stood in shock. Dean clamped his eyes shut and fell to his knees.  "Are you OK?" Castiel voice was soft. Dean just winced. " Damnit Dean,  Are you alright? "

Dean remanded on his knees "My eyes burned." he opened his eyes to show them black. Castiel frowned hopping they would still be green.

Castiel got on his knees. " they flickered back know to green for a split moment." Castiel got on his knees.

"Are they still? " a bit of hope in the Deans voice.  Castiel nodded no.

" I want to try something." Castiel leaned in to the circle embracing Dean. Dean grabbed Castiel back he yelled in pain.  Castiel gripped tighter. He could hardly stand Deans screaming.  Castiel pulled away from Dean just enough to see his eyes.Castiel smiled looking at green eyes that would make spring leafs jealous.  "I think it worked..." As Castiel finished the sentence he frowned. His eyes changed back to black.

"Cas, I want to try something" Dean said with a smirk.

Castiel was confused on why the affection he was showing Dean was hurting him. He went to say let me go get Sam but it was to late Dean forced his mouth to Castiels. He held Castiel tight .  Dean pulled Castiel closer. dragging him in to the Devils trap. Castiel was confused for the first few seconds was now throttling Dean. his heart began beating fast. Dean opened his eyes; Green.  Dean flipped Castiel to his back. "You have no idea how long I wanted to do that. " Dean leaned down embracing Castiel again.

Dean pressed his lips to Castiels. Sam burst on the room. "What the he'll is going on?" Sam eyes got wide. Dean pulled away from Castiel.

"I wasn't hurting him." Dean said defensively. Sam didn't speak he just looked at Dean. Castiel sat up looking at Dean as well.  Green eyes.

Sam smiled and walked closer.  "your eyes. you fixed them." Sam voice was filled with hope.

" I told you I am still me" Dean smiled. they stated at each other for a moment.  Flick. Sam frowned. Castiel waiting to save this moment grabbed Deans face turning it and kissed him. Flick. Sam was not starring at Deans green eyes but instead was looking at Castiel.

"Did you just kiss Dean?" Sam said confused.

Castiel flustered tried to speak "Any affection I show him his eyes change back the more intense the longer his eyes stay green."

Sam sat back running his fingers through his hair.  "holy hell."

Dean let out a laugh "That is a cute pet name for us." Castiel turned red.

Sam did not find it funny and asked Castiel. " So anytime his eyes turns black you are going to kiss him."

"In less we can find a more long lasting treatment." Castiel said trying to think of a solution.

"We could screw that would be pretty intense. " Dean said smiling.

Sams eyes got big . Castiel turned red.  Before Castiel could speak Sam was dragging him away.  "Nope."

As Sam left the room with a twitterpated Castiel.  Deans eyes locked back to black. "Aww Come on!" Dean yelled.

Once Sam and Castiel were back in the kitchen. Sam almost smacked Castiel.  " You are not banging my brother. " Castiel tried to hide his disappointed feelings but from the bitch face he got he knew he had failed.

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