||The Park Bench||

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"Are you blind?" He shouted as he bumped into the girl, and fell face first onto the hard concrete ground. His phone slipped out of his hand, and he could almost hear the faint sound of a crack. Great, it hadn't lasted 2 days, even with the Belkin case he had gotten for it. He soon realized his sunglasses were also on the ground.

He picked up his phone and sunglasses, and saw no crack on either, thanks god.

Getting up, he decided to give a hand to the girl who was also lying on the ground, with her dog barking at him.

The girl however did not take his hand, and just stood up herself. Shaking the dust off, the girl sat on the bench(which had been the cause of both of them falling;they both wanted to sit on the bench)and stared out the lake in front of them.

The girl's eyes were covered by a pair of Ray Ban's, but she had high cheek bones, lightly tanned skin, light brown hair and her pale lips formed a small smile as she stared at the sea. Was she smirking? She was dressed in a pair of black Nike shorts, a black tank top, and a pair running shoes.

As soon as he caught himself staring at her, he snapped out of it. He was not going to give up his bench just cause someone else sat on it. He sat next to the girl but put some space between them.

Her black terrier started barking at the boy again. What was up with the dog?

"Lucy, sit," the girl ordered the dog.

Lucy obeyed and sat down, nuzzling next to the girls feet like a protector.

They both sat in silence and the boy soon found himself lost in thoughts.

The boy had found a comforting peace sitting at the park in front of the sea. In fact he had come here for the past month, every morning and sat on the bench and just did nothing.

However this morning when he had gone to sit on his usual bench, it was occupied by someone else. So he had walked down the sidewalk till he found an empty bench. He had been busy on his phone, so he didn't really see the girl was also aiming for the same park bench; and somehow they had collided and both fell.

"When will you go?" The girl suddenly asked.

"Are you disturbed by my presence?" The boy questioned with a smirk.

The girl sighed and replied,

"Wouldn't it be disturbing if someone suddenly came and sat at the same bench you'd been sitting on for almost a year alone?"

"Actually that's why I came to sit here, the bench I always sat down on was occupied," the boy replied.

The girl shook her head and kept looking at the sea. After what the boy sought to be about half an hour, the girl's watch started beeping.

"And by the way, I am," the girl said standing up.

"You are what?" The boy demanded.

"Blind," she replied.

The girl started walking away with her terrier leading the way.

The boy wanted to call the girl back but he was in too much of a shock. The girl didn't look blind. He wanted to say something but knew that whatever he was going to say, wouldn't come out right so he kept his mouth shut. After a couple of minutes he also got up and went back to his house, where the smell of his mom's cooking hit him.

Taking his shoes off(his mom hated shoes on the rug) he walked up to his room, and put his phone into the charger.

Suddenly he remembered, he had promised the fans to do a follow spree this morning. The girl at the park had totally made him forget. How could he be so stupid? He had shouted at the girl, asking her if she was blind, which she really was! He wondered if she would ever forgive him.

Ruffling his hair, he opened his twitter app, logged out of his personal and went into the band's twitter, and started a follow spree.

His mentions went crazy! He clicked on as many as he could and followed them before his eyes got tired and so he exited the app.

"Luke! Your aunts are coming over for lunch, wear something nice and come downstairs!" His mom called from downstairs.

Groaning he got up from his bed and changed his clothes into something his mom would call 'nice' and went downstairs.


As much as he could, he tried to forget the girl at the park, but she just wouldn't go out of his. He tried to eat the lasagna his mom had made, but he found himself playing with it.

"Luke? You okay?" His older aunt asked. Can a guy be more stupid than he was?

"What?" He asked looking up from the now mashed lasagna. Why? Why had he called a blind girl, blind?

"I asked if you're okay," she said again with a smile. He wanted to punch himself so bad.

"Yeah, I'm fine. May I be excused? I'm not feeling too well," he asked. The guilt of today's encounter was taking over him too much, making him lose his appetite completely.

"Well, there's a first. Whomever thought Luke might want to be excused before he eats the whole lasagna plate?" Cassie, his annoying little 13 year old cousin asks.

They all nodded with warm smiles so he could be excused and he got up. His littlest cousin screamed something about wanting to be excused as well, but Luke had already reached the wooden stairs and was going up.

Checking his phone he saw he had three missed calls. All three from Ashton. As quick as he could, he called him back, knowing Ashton would chop his head off the next time they saw each other.

"Mate where are you?" Ashton asked, picking up as soon as the phone ringed.

"I was eating lunch," Luke replied.

"Alright than, just wanted to remind you to come to the studio a bit earlier tomorrow," Ashton explained to him understandingly.

He quickly promised he would than he hung up the phone and decided to text some friends, but was interrupted, by his annoying little cousin.

"LUUUKKEEEEEE!!!!!" He screamed coming in and closing the door with a loud bang.

"What?" Luke replied back very annoyed. Ryan, his most annoying cousin, jumped on Luke's bed and started jumping up and down.

"Ryan, get off!" Luke nearly screamed. Ryan laughed and continued his devilish acts. God he could be such an annoying little twat.

"I'm not gonna stop---stop---stop till you gimme that guitar-ar-ar!" Ryan sang at the top of his voice- and quite off tune if you asked Luke- pointing to the guitar Luke practiced with.

"I told you a million times! That guitar isn't a toy!" Luke lost it this time. He picked Ryan up from his under arms and put him down from his bed.

"Out!" Luke pointed towards the door.

Ryan however started crying, and by crying, like really wailing. Luke rolled his eyes, knowing that Ryan was probably gonna make a lame excuse. For example last time, Ryan had told his mom that had cursed in front of him, so technically Luke got blamed for Ryan's wailing and cursing.

Cursing under his breath(in the lowest volume he could manage), Luke gave Ryan the guitar he most dearly loved. Than he went back to thinking about the girl at the park. With Ryan plucking random strings on his guitar, Luke could barely concentrate, but he knew he had do something to make the girl forgive him, he just didn't know what.


A/n:So thanks to everyone whose reading this so far! Please leave comments/suggestions! And feel free to inbox me at any time

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