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Hey guys! So guess what? I couldn't get on my account for WEEKS! I got logged out and so I had to email wattpad team and blah blah blah.... I even opened a new acc because I was like okay I'll probably never get this one back! Lol. Anyway! So here's the new chapter, hope you like it!

Falling Apart will be updated the day after tomorrow!



As she felt the sound of her beeping watch, she opened her eyes. Everyday she would wake up and hope that her sight had come back, but lately she had almost given up hope. Shaking her head she felt her way to the bathroom to take a shower. Sally had described her whole room perfectly so she could navigate around easily.

Opening the tap water she felt the cold water pouring from the down tap, quickly realizing her mistake she switched the tap to the other side, and let the hot water come down.

Finally coming out she wrapped her towel around her and made her way to her closet. Sally had described her closet being right next to her bed, so she carefully took her steps and finally felt the handle of her closet. Opening it she touched the fabrics of her clothes till she finally felt her Nike shorts hung with her Nike running top. She rummaged her hands through the bottom of her closet and finally found her Nike running shoes.

Taking all three she quickly changed, and made her way downstairs for breakfast. She could smell waffles. Her absolute favorite. Smiling she quickly was able to make it downstairs and to the kitchen.

"A.J.! Guess what I made?" Sally's voice said, as her hand caught on to A.J.'s and led her to one of the counter seats.

"Smells like meatloaf's?" A.J. teased. Everyone knew she hated meat loafs.

"For breakfast really?" Sally laughed.

Sally was about the most bright minded person A.J. could possibly think of. A.J. did not know of a time when Sally was negative about something. She had known Sally all her life, from the time when she had taken her first steps, till the time when A.J. had gone into this condition. Less than a year ago.

A little sound of the plate clattering came signaling that Sally had put the waffles in front of her. A.J. touched around till she finally found the fork. She knew Sally had probably already cut it for her, poured syrup for her and cut strawberries for the topping. A.J. kept complaining to her that she would get spoiled if Sally continued doing this for her, but she was thankful from the bottom of her heart for Sally.

Her fork hit the waffles and she ate them and drank her orange juice quickly whilst talking to Sally.

When she finished she sat a little at the counter till her watch beeped meaning it was 8:00. She quickly got off the counter as Sally brought Lucy for her. A.J. held onto Lucy's leash as she led them both out of the door. Lucy walked slowly, giving A.J. just enough time to sense where she was going and follow her. She knew her house well but only Lucy could lead her around the streets and lead her safely on the sidewalks without her needing anyone to tag along.

As she felt herself nearing the lake she ordered Lucy to stop and she did. She didn't want to go sit at that bench again, not after she had nearly cried in front of Luke. He was a complete stranger, and yet she had almost torn up in font of him. The only people she had ever cried in front of in her life were Sally, her Dad, and Peyton; her best friend.

She didn't want to have to face Luke. Or maybe she was scared. She feared that she might spill out to Luke again, like yesterday. She didn't know what had made her tell him. She barely ever told anyone the sentences she had said to Luke. Somehow she had felt that she could trust him. She wouldn't make the same mistake twice though, besides it was technically her bench.

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