00. Gone Girl

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The most interesting thing about fear is probably how people deal with it differently. Some of them would run away, hide somewhere safe and wait for things to finally calm down whereas others would laugh it off, look straight in the eyes of terror and act as if nothing even happened.

If you were to ask me to describe my relationship with fear, I would laugh in your face and tell you some kind of a joke my mind would come up with in that very moment.

The truth is, I couldn't stop thinking or talking about what happened a few days ago. I tried to forget about it but someone would mention it and the talk would start all over again. I would be lying if I tell you I wasn't nervous all the time. Trust me, I was.

But most of all, I was scared, because it all took place just nearby.

The girl who went missing was just my age. A girl, just like me.

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