04. Goosebumps

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With my leg resting in between his thighs, I was pressed against the front door of the building. If it weren't for the intimidating look on his face, I would've swinged my leg, hit him in the place where it would hurt the most but something was telling me not to.

Was it perhaps fear, or a sense of rational thinking - I didn't know.

Because he was rather peculiar. I couldn't get through his shell and see him for the person he truly seemed to be.

Different, was a word to describe him simply. Him following me home made his aura even more sinister than it already was, though the look in his eyes revealed the soft side of his character - a side that tells he was someone who wouldn't hurt a fly, but yet again the smirk on his face was telling me otherwise.

With an inch or two standing in between us, I can almost feel his eyes on mine, the perfectly shaped lips of his being only a breath away from mine but I don't dare to move a single muscle.

What was it about him that made me feel like this? I was supposed to be creeped out, but yet here I am, standing against the front door, my eyes not being able to avert from him.

Get yourself together Erika, you are in a happy relationship.

''Look,'' I finally speak up, breathing out the air that was sitting way too long in my lungs. ''I'm sorry about your shirt.'' I say, glancing at the wine stained button-up blouse he was wearing. ''I'll buy you a new one.''

Now please go away and stop smirking at me like that.

But he doesn't.

''Right.'' He laughs. ''If you have nine hundred thousand won for a new piece, I'd be more than happy about it.''

Holy shit.

Even if I wanted, I wouldn't be able to repeat the number that just escaped from his lips.

How am I even going to pay for a stupid piece of clothing when my apartment and whole life worth of grocery supplies along with insurance costs less. There's no way in hell I'm selling my kidneys for this bastard's overpriced Gucci blouse.

As if able to read my thoughts, he sees the look on my face after the amount of money he just told me. Intrigued and almost curious, he starts leaning in closer, causing my heart to skip a beat.

Glued to the floor, like a statue standing in the museum, I remain calm as his breath hits my red and flustered face, almost hypnotising me. The fact that his lips are so close to mine is alarming. ''I know what you could give me instead.'' Was all he said, before my heart drops to my feet.

What the hell is wrong with this guy.

Without thinking too much, I let out another shaky breath with confidence rushing through my veins. ''I'm not having sex with you.''

To which his eyebrows raised up, his facial expression stunned for a second before he bursts out laughing, as if hearing the world's most funniest joke. ''I don't want to have sex with you.''

Confusion was all I could feel the minute his words hit me like a brick, while I shared a blank stare. Not because he was blunt and behaving so casually about everything, but because I felt offended, when I shouldn't have been in the first place.

Because I was in a relationship.

A happy relationship, I keep reminding myself.

But before my brain could think of a witty comeback, just to let him know that his words didn't have a single effect on me, he then leans closer, his hand leaning on the door behind my back as he whispers into my ear. ''I want a date.''

Like a melody traveling to my brain, his low voice was leaving goosebumps all over my body.

''I have a boyfriend.'' I finally blurt out, my mind and heart racing at the speed of light.

A moment of silence.

"I bet he can't raise these goosebumps on your arms as well as I can."

A gulp.

Which was later on accompanied with a rush of adrenaline filling my blood upon hearing his words.

That's when I thought my legs would give up on me, the goosebumps becoming more visible, almost permanently tattooed on the surface of my skin.

All I wanted was to show him that he had no effect on me, yet everytime I tried to do so, I failed miserably.

Just like within the second my mouth opened by itself, my tongue working faster than my brain once again. ''Alright.'' I say, almost nodding my head without even realizing what just happened and why in the world have I accepted his proposal.

The duality of this man shows up to be incredible as his face breaks out in the most adorable smile my eyes have ever had the privilege to see - it was boxy, yet soft as his eyes wrinkle up. ''I'll pick you up at 6 tomorrow.''

His hand moves past my face, as he slides it in the pockets of his baggy pants. Once turning around, he then slowly walks away, leaving me completely dumbfounded.

A simple date wouldn't hurt anybody, it shouldn't be a problem.

Explaining the past few minutes to my boyfriend however, are going to be a problem.

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