14. Almond Blossom

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It's been ten minutes. Maybe even fifteen, or more.

I couldn't keep track. I was too busy staring through the window at moving cars and houses, my vision blurry from the threatening tears but I dare them not to fall down my cheeks.

So I huff the air out of my lungs, harshly and loudly, as if that would somehow ease the burden off of my shoulders.

But when nothing happens, I lean my head against the car window, having my arms crossed and wishing for the seatbelt to strangle me to death.

''Boyfriend problems?''

I hear his voice.

Taehyung's voice.

It's usually low, deep, husky sometimes, but the tone I hear right now is somewhat soft as if it's trying not to disturb my loud thoughts.

''How did you find me?'' Was what I wanted to know.

''I followed you'', and he says nonchalantly as if being a stalker was a new job career these days.

''You what?'' Now I turn my head to look at him, feeling my sadness being replaced with anger. One wrong word being said and I was ready to punch him in the pretty face. ''Are you crazy? Do you want me to call the police?''

A loud sigh coming from his lips makes the air heavier. ''Erika, calm down.''

''I'm calm,'' I say, but my high pitched voice was in sync with my anger – I was nowhere near calm. ''I'm perfectly fine with the fact that I now have a creepy stalker following me everywhere.''

He then says, ''I was worried.''

And the words get stuck in my throat.

''I was worried about you,'' Taehyung repeats, eyes not leaving the road. ''I've seen the way he was looking at you before you left my place. I figured he'd be angry so I wanted to make sure you were okay.''

Struggling to engage in the conversation, I go back to leaning my head against the car window. A few bumps on the road and my forehead suffers, but I purse my lips, putting on my tough girl attitude to show.

''He was angry, wasn't he?''

''It's none of your business, Mr. Gucci.'' I mumble, sulking deeper in my seat.

''Are you okay? Did he hurt you?''

''I'm fine,'' I say sternly, turning my head to face him and I gasp inaudibly, because he was staring right back at me. ''Why do you care?''

His earring sways as he turns his head back to face the road in front, the light outside illuminating his slightly downturned nose and a high forehead that's hidden behind long silver bangs.

''It's my fault.'' The grip on the steering wheel tightens a little. ''You're a smart girl, I'm sure you've connected the dots already.''

He gives a pause to let me think, to inhale a short breath of air before he speaks more. ''I bought the GoldenBoy Industries.''

I hear him, loud and clear, but I don't say anything. Like a lost puzzle piece finally found, it all creates a bigger picture put together in the back of my head. At first, it's simply a few seconds of empty stomach feeling on which I wait to disappear, but for some odd reason, it doesn't.

It just sits there with me. A ghost mocking my ignorance.

''I bought it a day before I took you out to dinner. It was a big, bold, and might I add, a foolish move. I don't usually do things like that, not out of the blue and out of no set reason. This was something my ego and jealousy have done. And I didn't think it would turn out like this, I didn't think it would affect him that much. All I wanted was to scare him, give him a warning. Shouldn't have let it go this far.''

There's something about those few seconds of that same feeling, the feeling of weightlessness, of a blank mind and a gut plummeting down a massive never-ending pit.

Every brain cell was fighting for a feeling, confused and unsure of what to do, what to feel, causing me to say nothing, to stay still.

Sadness, anger, happiness.

It was none of that.

And I wonder if I should feel sad for Jungkook or angry at Taehyung for doing something so selfish.

''I'm sorry, Erika.''

My entire body starts to tingle, mind racing just like the moving cars around us. Dizzy, I feel dizzy, and I need to grab onto something, anything that would keep me stable.

And the first thing within my reach is anger.

''So this is what you do,'' I start, clinging onto that first emotion I was able to grab. ''You get bored, so you ruin people's lives.''

I can feel his eyes on me, but I don't dare to look at him, afraid that if I do, the tears I've been holding in will no longer obey.

''Erika, that's not true.''

I might explode once again.

''Sure it's not. You were aware that Jungkook's dad, and their business, don't earn a lot of money. They're not in the big leagues and buying the industry only makes things even worse for them.'' I take a deep breath, still avoiding eye contact. ''His family, and the families of others, will lose their jobs just because you couldn't keep your ego at bay. How can you be so selfish?''

Weirdly enough, I still remain somewhat calm.

Then I realize it wasn't anger that I caught, but disappointment in its true form.

''Out of all the people,'' he pauses, ''I wish it wasn't you that got hurt.''

A dry chuckle leaves my mouth and I'm back to staring through the window, imagining what would it be like if I opened the door and jumped right out of it. Would a few broken bones be worth it? Probably not.

Annoyed with the lack of ideas, I see how Taehyung still has his fingers wrapped around the steering wheel tightly, the look in his eyes sharp as if he was ready to run over anyone who hops on his way.

He wasn't angry at me, at least it didn't seem like it. He had that look of a person who was sorry, a person who knew he had done something wrong and for that, for some reason, I don't stay upset.

I accept his apology to myself. I can't say it out loud, it will only hurt my dignity that's been already dragged down the floor.

But if there's anything I've learned in these past few months, it's that Jungkook was strong and smart, ready for life changes no matter how difficult and sudden they might be. I won't worry about him. He'll find a solution.

That's why I don't say anything, but keep quiet as we're driving.

Then Taehyung mumbles something, and I need a second or two to realize that he is actually talking to me.


He laughs, throwing gazes at me every now and then. ''Bad temper and a competitive spirit are the traits I inherited from my father but I'm not a bad person.''

Bad or good, I don't know. From the surface, he seemed just like everyone else. A small speck of dust in a society that refuses to change. We all blame others for the mistakes we've done. It's easier if done so.

But that, was the only thing I know.

Gazing at him, a slight smile stretches across my lips. ''Right.''

''I'm serious.'' He shakes his head. ''I'll prove it to you.''


''By showing you who I really am.''


i'm sorry i haven't been updating regularly, i'll do my best to be quicker, but i hope you enjoyed regardless. happy holidays to those celebrating! get warm & cozy, rest well. love you all. ♡ 

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