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I wrote this while listening to these peaceful waterfalls... feel free to listen while you read



All my sin you will tackle

I no longer want to be in shackles

No more falling tears

No more bondage to fear

No more feelings of unworthiness

No more bondage to sadness

I want to be free, break me free

Your love can break us all free and travel over the seas

The world has pushed us to our flesh

But Lord, I know it's just a test

I want to be the person you called me to be

grow and blossom like the plants on the side of trees

Sweeter than the honey from stinging bees

I am no longer in these shackles of oppression

Lord I have learned a valuable lesson

I am no longer settling for less

I'm Running to my destiny, and no more darkness

No more pain, no more struggle

the light is staring at me, at the end of the tunnel

Tears streaming down my face with joy

Like when I was little and I got a new toy

It's more than my eyes can bear

I know, I am almost there..

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