She Was the Light of My Life

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"She was the light in my life. The person who saved me. Saved me from myself. That love was always there. And I need to thank her for that. So, um, wherever you may be; thank you."

"Dammit, Jack! I don't want go!"

"C'mon, it'll be fun!"

"Yes, because church has always been fun."

"Listen, man. I know you're all depressed and stuff about Cindy but you know what? It's a stupid high school relationship. High school relationships never work out. All of these people won't matter in a few years and the only time you'll ever see them is when you're at the supermarket or the gas station."

"I guess I just wanted love."

"Love?" He snickered, "love is much more complicated than whatever you just went through. When you're in love, you just know. You can't just be "in love" with every girl you hook up with."

"I didn't 'hook up' with Cindy. We had a very meaningful relationship."

"Yes, a very meaningful two week relationship..." He giggled at his sarcasm.

"Shut up, Jack! Can I just go home? God, this is ridiculous."

"Fine, I'll stop!! Race you there?"

"Okay, if I win then you have to..." I paused, "ask out Nancy!"

"Alright, and you... You have to kiss the very first girl you see!"

"It's on!" I took off, but Jack was the fastest one on our track team and he slowly inched ahead. I was breathing heavily, and I already knew I lost. Eventually we reached the large auditorium in our school, Menlo Atherton High School; me trailing far behind Jack. His deep green eyes flashed and taunted me as he strode up to the school.

"And, I think we have a winner!" He announced with a glitter in his eye.

"If it was a race across the pool I would have won! Listen, I wasn't even ready. And I don't even want to kiss some random..."

"Uh uh uh! You made a bet Mister! Now get on it! First girl you see!"

I shamefully walked up the steps and hid behind the door. I checked to make sure my hair was still slicked back, and carefully grabbed the door
handle. I squeaked it open and peeked in. There were only about ten students in there, all male, and I turned and smirked at Jack, "Well, not a girl in sight!" I let out an intentionally fake sigh.

"Damn. Really? You have got to be kidding me?"

I heard some giggling from across the gym. Over in the corner were three seniors. Girls. I was only seventeen. One I recognized as Cindy. The girl I had just been dumped by. Robin was the name of the other, I didn't know her too well. The other one was unfamiliar. She was stunning though. And had the cutest laugh I had ever heard. I don't know what went through my head but I confidently opened the door and motioned for Jack to follow me. Confused, he strolled close behind. The girls hadn't noticed me yet, but I was only a few yards away.

I reached out and grabbed the mysterious girls face and pressed my lips to hers. I felt new. Like a shiny toy from the store. I felt fireworks. Like the ones me and my brothers used to shoot off on the 4th of July. I felt amazing. Like I had wanted to feel for as long as I can remember. I expected her to pull away, but she just went along with it. My eyes slowly opened as I stepped and turned away. Jack couldn't move; he was in complete awe of what had just happened. His best friend, who has never kissed a girl in his whole life, just made out with a complete stranger.

I turned around without seeing her reaction. I headed for some chairs in another corner of the room. I pulled a cigarette and a lighter from my pocket and sat down, waiting for Jack.

"What the hell just happened man? Do you have any idea what you just did?"

"I did your stupid bet," I said with a dopy grin.

"That was the new girl! The new girl who is DATING Michael Montgomery! You know Michael? The quarterback and wrestling captain? Are you an idiot?" Jack ruffled his beach blond hair as he spoke. I noticed his jeans had a new tear at the knee. Who knows what from, he was always getting into trouble.

"And your point is?" I tried to sound smooth as I talked, where in reality I was a nervous wreck because I knew exactly what this meant.

"You're screwed! Done for!"

"Well, I'm taking you down with me on this one buddy!" I put my cigarette out with the toe of my shoes, "I'm kidding! God! Don't be such a loser, Jack! It'll all be fine! She doesn't even know who I am!"

"Cindy does! And what nerve you have doing that! C'mon man!"

"Jack, it will be okay. I promise."

"Fine then. Let's wait outside for more people to show up. I'm supposed to meet Marcy out there!"

"Go ahead, I'd rather wait in here!"

"Alright, see you soon."

I heard his shoes squeak as he walked away. Behind me I noticed a guitar case. It was only 5:00 and we still had 45 minutes until this stupid thing started so I might as well just play around with the thing. I had been working on a new song. An original. Still no lyrics though. I just wasn't very good at writing lyrics, and I had nothing to write about anyway. I opened the case and admired the instrument in front of me. As I reached in to pull it out, I heard the giggling again. I shook it off and grabbed the guitar.

I began strumming and fingerpicking a quick, up-beat song. It was in the works, so ever so often you'd hear an unpleasant twang from the strings. I hummed along with my eyes closed. After I ran out of parts of that song, I started on a big radio song, California Dreamin'. I pulled at the strings, pleased with the sound coming out of the guitar. I sang softly, "all the leaves are brown, and the sky is gray."

Suddenly a new voice appeared. A delicate, beautiful voice. Shocked, I glanced up at the face in front of me. The mystery girl. I knew I shouldn't keep going, I was at risk of death by her boyfriend, but I was so entranced; there was no way to stop. Her hair was cut in a bob with a bow in it and her eyes twinkled as she harmonized with me. She had on a checkered dress; blue and green weaved through in the pattern.

"California dreamin' on such a winter's day."

And How She Takes My Breath AwayWhere stories live. Discover now