She Was a Tough Little Thing

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"She was a tough little thing though. Always managed to get her way."


"I can stand up for myself, you know."

I blinked my eyes and found myself with Stevie's arms supporting my head. She smirked a little and I felt her brushing my eye with a wet paper towel.

"Wh-what happened?"

"Well, he hit you and you collapsed on the floor. You had blacked out so I rushed to the bathroom and got this. Everyone wanted to know what happened at first, but then they got bored and went back to doing their own things."

"No, I mean, what happened to you?" I was genuinely concerned; with me knocked out she had to fend for herself. Yet it seemed she would have had no trouble doing that, she was bold and resilient.

She laughed a little at my care for her, "Michael left after that little incident and my friends over there," she motioned across the room, "came to check on me. I told them I was alright and they met up with some other girls. I let them know I'd catch up with them later."

"Wow. Okay, well I should probably get some fresh air; would you like to go on a walk with me?" I did a little half smile. I hoped my eye wasn't swollen to the point where it made me extremely revolting.

It must not have been too bad because she compromised, "Fine! As long as you promise to keep this on your wound!" Her facial expression was serious, but her eyes were playful and loving and accepting.

I stared into them as I offered, "Only if you promise to hold my hand."

"Deal," she said without hesitation. A smirk snuck onto her face as she helped me off the ground. I brushed myself off and walked Stevie to the front.

I held open the door while she stepped outside. My steps were smaller than usual, Stevie looked to be only about five-foot, and I didn't want to get ahead of her. I checked my watch, 10 minutes until the Young Life meeting starts. This was a good enough excuse to leave. There was a trail around the school that we used for track, so I just followed that. Her hand was delicate, but also hadn't sense of strength; it felt that she had the potential to mess up anyone who came her way. We were silent and awkward as we strolled down the trail.

In an effort to break the silence, I looked at her and spoke loud enough for her to hear, but soft enough to conceal my words from anyone else, "So, uh, Stevie... Where in the world did you get that name?"

She laughed and glanced up at me, "My name is actually Stephanie. It just isn't quite as fun! And when I was younger I couldn't say 'Stephanie' I could only say 'Tee-Dee. Thus became, Stevie!" She squeezed my hand as she spoke; then she bit her lip in a sort-of embarrassment.

I moved a little closer to her as I replied, "Stephanie, Stevie, alright. It's a beautiful name either way."

"Well if I'm not mistaken, I think you're flirting with me, Mr. Lindsey!" She winked and pulled my arm over her shoulder and slid in closer to me. Returning her palm in mine, she snuggled up to me and I couldn't help but smile.

"And if I was, quote, 'flirting' what would be your reaction?" I made eye contact with her.

"Depends. I guess it would go something like this," she stopped, stood up on her tippy-toes and kissed me on the cheek lightly. I blushed a little. Stevie was shivering so I held her closer.

There was a bench nearby; I let her sit down as I took my jacket off and handed to her. When I scooted in next to her she leaned on my chest, "Well then, yes. Yes, I am flirting."

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