Chapter 2

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Dark Sonic Forces

By: Cutegirlmayra (My sincerest apologies! Lots of things are happening right now. I received my first few commission orders for writing (PM me for prices and what's offered if you're interested) and I've been getting paid and doing that. Plus, tumblr prompt requests are high and I'm still getting art submitted in for the contest so I could write those prompts with preview images. Lastly, I've been living with a friend for a while and having a blast! There are so many chapters and things I want to write. I know you're all excited for Second seasons of Instincts and Metallic Need after I edit them, and even more are excited for this story and Harmony, and the continuing of Sonic IRL and Pokemon Daycare. I swear I'm trying. It's... quite a lot to write, but I love you and I love these stories and I'm sincerely trying. It's just a whole lot of writing, lol. I'm also trying to edit all my old stories, so one thing at a time! Now, you're all very excited about this 'make-out' sonamy I promised you, but remember, I only do innocent stuff. So although exciting at parts, you can be sure nothing's going over the deep end. I'll also attempt to keep this in character as I've been known for. So again, enjoy, review, and once again, I love you so much! -I wouldn't be bustin' my rear-end to get all these things done for you if I didn't... wait, am I still writing my inner thoughts? Oh shoot!- *P.S: This was made before we knew anything about Sonic Forces. I'm sticking to the AUish idea of Sonic Forces, so please, understand it's loosely based on it.)

"He's gone!"

The bustle of voices sprang from every loose nook and cranny in the metal compound of HQ. The battle was far from over.

However, stirring very lightly in her sleep, Amy Rose remained recovering as the voice rang into a shrilling fright, a panic of worry and uncertainty, something not normally associated with Sonic...

Her sheets lightly wafted against her skin. Her dress had been changed out into a hospital's open gown in the back, tied neatly and attended to by the nurses on standby. Each a volunteer and each worried about their planet and loved ones...

But they all agreed, every rookie and every recruit knew, that as long as Sonic had returned and the main leaders were still present; Knuckles, Tails, Silver, Rouge, Team Chaotix... all those who fought as their mentors and friends... they would be safe.

Amy was included in their aspiring hope for a brighter day, a new era... one free of Eggman's tyranny and Infinite's destruction.

Amy softly breathed upon the soft pillow, her lips grazing the surface before the uncanny musical ruckus of the outer world began to interfere with her daydreams.

She remembered... darkness.

Something suffocating her.

An airy touch that licked at her chin and cheeks...

She turned in her sleep, uncomfortable with the sensation returning to her memory, and moaned slightly in her sleep. Her eyes narrowed and increased their pressure at this thought replaying for a moment.

Then... as if lulled back to sleep, the crowd cease to exist, but a warm and tender hand touched her forehead and she was soothed.

"...She's having a hard time recovering with all this... madness." Silver shook his head, removing his hand. He walked away from her and towards Tails, "How is she doing?"

"I.. I think she's having nightmares." Tails looked a little concerned, moving Silver towards the readings. "We can't fully tell, but she's experiencing a lot of... weird sensations. It's as though energy was transferred to her and it's causing some discomfort."

Dark Sonic ForcesWhere stories live. Discover now