Chapter 4

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Dark Sonic Forces

Ch. 4

By: Cutegirlmayra (Guess who finished Finals? :D this gal! Lol, so yeah. Here. Have something to eat.)

As though snow had dumped itself off the side of a cliff, Amy slumped forward with a sorrowful frown upon her face that day.

Her back formed like a question mark, mirroring the thousands of questions that were left unanswered by Sonic's disappearance once again.

'He's not letting himself rest... Does he still think he needs to prove himself to everyone?' She sighed, reclining her already bent body further down with the released air.

Girls in the resistance started giggling in a filled storage unit left mostly to dust over until the time for it was needed.

Amy's body slowly rose as her eyes turned to the laughter, her ear perking up at their voices...

Stealthily, as though breaking the law, Amy looked around and slid silently up against the wall, scooting towards the open door to listen in on what they were talking about.

"I don't know... the heat of the battlefield, the thousands of wispons shooting all around you... who wouldn't get turned on?"

"Melissa, you're so bad!"

"I've made out with a recruit who broke his leg once. Is that just as bad? I mean, he was already downed. I felt bad for him. Confined to his little gurney. He was so cute! But so lonely there, so I... gave him a pick-me-up..."

"So, basically you're saying... he already had you in his bed?"


"Sounds a bit too easy, Monica."

The girls laughed hysterically as Amy suddenly felt her hair stick up on end. Her quills rose in sudden realization about what the girls were talking about, and she felt like immediately leaving.

Her foot stepped out to do so but the next comment left her stuck in place.

"I can't remember the first time I wanted to kiss a boy... I just remember never knowing what it was really like. The realness of it all. The sensualness of touch."

The girls giggled again and Amy suddenly found herself wondering...

She slowly withdrew her foot back to her side.

"I was afraid to be honest."

"What!? You!?"

"Don't look at me like that! Haha! It takes a lot of 'umph' for a girl to kiss a dude she likes! I'll never forget my first love... terrible kisser. But once you take off the glasses—well, there's a man under there! A real beast!"

"Hoho! Sounds like someone's still in love!"

"I dig a man in glasses, I'll admit it."

"Yeah, now that I look back, I'm glad for the times I was innocent~"

"Gurl, I can't imagine you innocent."


"Let's talk about my first bite~"


Amy grew flustered, she wasn't sure why, but her hands immediately raced to the sides of her embarrassed cheeks.

She hurried down the corridor and closed her eyes, upset for some odd reason...

'I've never... felt that need... to be anything but innocent.' She kept hurrying until she opened her eyes and realized she was in the big pavilion. The room was a light brown, almost gold color with a creamy white secondary color around it. It was full of trash and cardboard boxes like the ones in storage unit now. No one keeping up with the place. She looked at the stage, remembering when they used to hoist concerts and speeches there to rile up the resistance into staying strong, and also... announcing Sonic's supposed death.

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