Chapter 3

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Dark Sonic Forces

Ch. 3

By: Cutegirlmayra (I'm doing a livestream on Instagram and a Discord event for Q&As. Please PM if you'd like to join me! :Db It's gonna be good~ Hopefully, lol. Well, I have this entire thing laid out. But I should state that this was voted to be a 'Make-out Sonamy' so please be aware of what you're getting yourself into. I don't write or read inappropriate material, but that don't mean I won't write a kiss or two. Juuuuust letting you know. A 'heads-up' if you will for the sensitive hearts of which I am a part of lol Don't worry, there's build, so everyone's still mostly in character- but that's kinda why the 'dark and uncontrollable emotions' have a play in this too xD helps lead into more AU scenarios... Enjoy~)

Warm breath.

Then that uncomfortable feeling that something was given to her... a dark presence that tried to squirm into her dreams...

But even in her discomfort, she turned to her side and felt something solid and real. What was it?

Amy flickered her eyes open, seeing something blue and peaceful resting by her bedside...

Her eyes widened all at once and she rose up, shocked by Sonic's sleeping, gently rising and lowering body as he slept beside her.

She usually would see him sleeping while running along a route trying to find him. He wasn't always silently huffing a breath or two, but in fact, he would be snoring up a brand new storm most days.

She immediately jumped to the conclusion that he was too tired to even startle from his sleep at her rapid movement from surprise at seeing his face so close to her own.

She felt herself and checked to make sure she was actually awake and presence, feeling for bruises or cuts and doing medical assessments. Once she was cleared, she looked over Sonic but dared not touch her sleeping prince.

'How'd he get here..?' she gently tilted her head to see how truly worn out he appeared, and her heart broke at the sight of it. '...He must be kinda hungry...' she ignored her first question and decided to act instead. Kindness was always a big factor in all she ever did, besides pursuing her own hopes and dreams.

Carefully maneuvering herself out of bed, she began to realize that no matter what noise or movement she created, he would remain fast asleep.

With a tender smile, slightly humoring the situation, she crawled out without much consideration and looked back to make sure he was still sound asleep...

He was... his blue fur was fully restored against the white covers of her bed and pillow... his gloves were slightly more grey from the dirt and soot, and she mentally noted to clean up after this whole ordeal.

That's when she remembered she hadn't showered.

After caring for her needs, she went to fix something up for Sonic! A nice meal... a breakfast fit for a growing hero!

"Eggs and Bacon~" Amy sang slightly, bobbing in motion to the tune in her head as she flipped the bacon and stirred the eggs.

When she was done, she made a glass of nice cold milk and headed back to her room.


She turned around to a voice that matched Tails. He was wagging his tail at her leftovers...

"They're all yours." She winked, and he happily rubbed his hands together.

"Oh, boy! Thanks, Amy! Uhh... are you having dinner in bed today?" he looked to see her tray of goodies as she sweatdropped a moment. "Y-...You could say that." She didn't know if Sonic would want his presence... in her room... to be known like that. So, she decided to keep it a secret and move on.

Dark Sonic ForcesWhere stories live. Discover now