The one where she wants a shake

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If there's one thing Siana knew it was that  she couldn't count on Ashton to be on time. She loved him dearly but that boy couldn't be in time of his life depended on it, So there she was mindlessly spinning in a small circle in front of her building waiting. She gained odd looks from people passing her but she could careless.

As shy as she came off to be Siana is such a careless person. No, not in a bad way of course Siana has a heart of gold which makes her see the best in the worst situations. Siana isn't one to care whether she was being judged or not as long as she was doing something she loved she couldn't careless about what anyone else's thought.

The sound of a obnoxious horn is what drew her attention towards her cousin truck. Reaching over to opening the passenger door she threw herself in the seat.

"It's about time you got here now where are we off to" pulling off Ashton glanced over at his cousin with a grin covering his face.

"Well isn't it lovely to see you too and we're going to meet Luke and Cal for lunch, you remember them right?"

Nodding her head Siana was fully aware of who those two men are. Luke, she always had a crush on him ever since Ashton brought him along last time he visited her in LA. She knew a relationship never happen with him but that didn't mean she couldn't find him attractive.

Calum, Siana didn't really know how to feel about him. The image of him boxing last night couldn't escape her mind; the way she noticed how his left hook was slightly stronger than his right and how this back tensed up each time he dodged a hit.

She couldn't keep her mind off the dark haired boy and she didn't like it.

Pushing a few strands of hair behind her ear, Looking out the window she studied the run down building in her sight wondering what they were doing here .

"Ash where are we?"

"Cal asked me pick him up since he's training and the place we usually get lunch at is two blocks up"

Mumbling out a soft "oh" she watched him pull out his phone to make a call but hanging up a few seconds after, being pushed to voicemail. Sighing in annoyance Ashton turned towards Siana.

"Do you mind going in there to get Cal I would go but there's no parking"

Looking towards the building and then back at her cousin she looked at him with wide eyes "You want me to go into that building full of men that could beat my face off to go get your friend? yeah no thanks"

Managing the best puppy dog face he could he grabbed her arm " Pretty please I'll buy you that new book you wanted"

"No way Ash" "Please" "No" "Please" "No"

Trailing her way through the hallway after taking the right turn that Ashton told her to after she walked in the wrecked building she couldn't help but keep a scowl on her face. Walking into the room with the dark blue double doors she couldn't help but let amazement take over her. As destroyed the building may have looked on the outside this room looked so out of place, state of the art exercising equipment rested on the right side, different types of punching bags lined up on the left, and a boxing ring in the middle of the huge room that looked new as ever. While studying the room Siana failed to noticed the sweaty-shirtless boxer, leaning on the ropes of the ring looking down at her.

"What are you doing here?" his voice came out way raspier than usually with startled the small girl making up look up at him.

Trailing her eyes down from his she allowed them to scan over his body. He wasn't the tallest but he was built like a god. He had tattoos scattered along his collar bones and arms. His chest was so firm you'd think he spent every second in this place, and he had golden thick thighs; regardless of how thick they are they were also completely toned

"Ashton sent me to come get you, he said you guys were supposed to have lunch today".

"That was today?" Calum said wiping the sweat off of his face with his hand. Siana nodded mindlessly while turning around looking around the room once again . As he walked over to pick up his duffle he pulled a shirt out and threw it on, before exiting the room he called back at her nodding his head out the door "You coming?"

After replying with a quick yes Siana followed him out the room. Again she didn't notice how long she had been looking at the boxer until she heard his voice "Take a picture it'll last longer" he said smirking lightly looking over at her. Turing red Siana keep her gaze on her feet, walking ahead of him.

Keeping his gaze on her he couldn't help but notice how she looked from the first time he saw her. She had her hair up in a messy bun with oversized sweater but accompanied by a pair of leggings that hugged her body well. He couldn't help but think how adorable she looked. One thing about her was still bothering him which is why why she was so nervous around him, and the reasoning she gave the other day didn't seem to cut it.


"So what are you getting Ana?" Looking over the menu Ashton stopped to look at his cousin. Cutting into their conversation Calum raised an eyebrow "Ana?".

Ashton looked over at him with a look "Yeah you know, her name is Siana so I call her Ana for short". Nodding his head slowly Calum replied "Hm". Trailing his eyes over to the small girl he couldn't help but bite back his grin noticing she was looking at him too. Glancing back at the older boy he saw how he was too busy questioning the waited on which dish he should order.

Leaning over towards Siana he spoke to her in a soft quiet tone "So what are you going to order Ana?. Absently mindlessly pulling his lip under his front teeth,  she looked up at him feeling her breathe hitch from how close he is, she taking note of the small smile he kept on his face and replied shyly "Just some fries and a shake".

Slightly nodding he sat up mentioning for the waiter to come over "I'll take a bacon burger with fries and for the lady just fries and vanilla shake"

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