Chapter 4 The Reptile Room Part 2 "Stefano" is here

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Jacey was awake up by the sound of birds chirping and the ray of sun on her face. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, and made a cute yawn. Jacey look around to see her's and Klaus's room, she was in. Jacey smiled as she stretches her arms and legs, Jacey got up, she notices that Klaus was gone, she shrugged thinking that he was downstairs and went into the bathroom to shower and brush her teeth. Ones she was done, she got some clothes and put it on. Jacey wore a white dress, a headband in her hair and boots with socks. She smiles in the mirror and heads off to the kitchen when she would meet, The Baudelaire Children. Jacey walked down the steps as she hummed, she heard " Violet, where do you want me to put this." Jacey heard her friends chatting in the kitchen, she walked in and Sunny notices her. " Hi, Jacey." Klaus and Violet heard her sister and turn their heads, they saw Jacey hugging Sunny. " Hello Sunny, You look so cute." Sunny giggled as she was blushing, Jacey smiled as she places her on the counter. " Hello Jacey, you look so pretty." Jacey saw Violet cooking pancakes and Klaus was reading a cooking book, but Jacey could not see his face. " Thanks, Violet you look amazing too." The two friends giggle as Jacey help Violet cook, but Klaus couldn't read but he was glazing at Jacey. Violet said, " Where is uncle Morty?" Jacey replied, " He is in his secret place." Klaus shrugged as he said, " well let us eat without him." Jacey and Violet agreed as they finished up.

Jacey put Sunny in a high chair and place a plate of pancakes. Sunny smiled as she ate some, Jacey sat down between Klaus and Violet. Klaus, Jacey, and Violet grab some pancakes, they ate properly as they chatted for a bit, then Violet ask a question. " So, Jacey do you have any siblings." Jacey stop what she was doing and turn to face The Baudelaire Siblings, "Umm.....well" Jacey said as she was trying to find the words to say to Violet, she couldn't but they had to know the truth. " I had a Sister named Zoe." Violet said," Oh, a sis-" She stopped as she looks at Jacey, "She um..... died in a car accident." Klaus(who already knew) was sad and as was Violet and Sunny. " Zoe was a wonderful sister, she was kind, cool, had a lot of friends, had a boyfriend." Jacey looks down, as she continued " My sister was the only thing that was keeping my family form breaking, but now that she is gone." Jacey voice was starting breaking, " my parent didn't care about me no more, they would just act like nothing happened. They would cheat each other while their daughter, is just standing there wanting their attention. My mom would make me do everything, and dad will come back drunk and just yell at mom. They would just yell at each other for hours until they go to bed and I just cry, myself to sleep. Violet hugged Jacey to death, as Klaus was wiping his tears. " Why didn't you tell someone or tell one of your friends." Jacey shakes her head as she pulled away. " I didn't have any friends." Violet rubbed her arm, as Klaus lead on her shoulder. " You guys are my first friends." They all looked at Jacey as she looks down, " That why i was so overprotect because i don't want to lose you guys." Jacey picked up her and their plates, " I Hate Count Olaf because he wanted to steal my sister ashes." She walked away with The Baudelaire to their thoughts, Lemony arrived and said: "Now, Jacey was not upset at The Baudelaires but she was not happy about Count Olaf." He walks to where Jacey was, she was in the secret room and crying. " I knew Jacey's family for a long time, and they were happy when Zoe was around." Lemony sat down beside her, " Jacey loved her sister, and she still does but Jacey doesn't know what to do now." Lemony disappeared as Jacey wipe her tears and stood up, She wipes her clothes and walks out. But heard the bell ring, she races down to see The Baudelaires Children. They were about to open the door, but Jacey quickly went down and stayed behind them. When they opened the door, it revealed Count Olaf, wearing a disguise. He is wearing a fake beard, a lab coat, and a bald cap.

" Hello, Children I'm Morty assistant, Stefano." Violet said, " We know it's you, Count Olaf." "Stefano," said " Who is this Handsome and talent actor Count Olaf you speak of, I'm Stefano." Jacey look around to see no henchmen, " Sorry, Count Olaf but Morty is not here." Klaus said as he closed the door. But Count Olaf stab the door open, and said: " You let me in or, you will not see the light of day." Jacey put The Baudelaires behind her as Morty came to see what was happening, " Hello Children, and Oh! Stefano, Hello." Jacey could see that Olaf hid the knife behind him. Morty let Olaf in as The Baudelaires told Morty, " That, not Stefano its Count Olaf." Morty didn't believe them and told them " Children, you have nothing to be afraid of. Count Olaf is nowhere to be seen." Morty went back, to sawing Stefano around. Jacey and The Baudelaires stood there in silents, as they looked at each other. Violet stood up with Sunny in her arms and ran upstairs, Klaus wants to go comfort his sister, but They were finally alone. "Um.....Jacey." She looked up as she nodded to continue, Klaus was so nervous to even tell her. " I-I lo-love yo-u." he said so quietly, Jacey raised an eyebrow. Then Klaus yelled, "ILOVEYOUSOMUCH, IWLLYOUBEMYGIRLFRIEND!" Jacey heard everything, and start to have tears in her eyes. Klaus was about to open her eye, but he was being hugged. Jacey was smiling so brightly and said: " Yes, i will." Klaus smile as he hugged her back, after a few minutes they pulled away. Jacey tuck her hair behind her ear as she was blushing, Violet and Sunny were watching for the stairs. They were happy about Klaus and Jacey, she went to the secret room Klaus took her hand as they went to Morty secret room, Violet was secretly following them. Klaus open to door to see Morty and "Stefano" was talking, They saw Jacey, Klaus, Violet, and Sunny. " Ah Children, we are going to the movies. Would you like to go?" Jacey and Violet nodded as Klaus still worrying about what Count Olaf was planning.

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