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Alex's POV.

The boys slept over last night.

i wake up with jack beside me. i smile and start tickling him. he instantly wakes up jumps

"good morning noodles" i kiss his cheek. he looks at me and chuckles

"good morning chicken" he kisses me on the lips and we start to get ready since we are looking at houses for the boys today

"good morning chicken" he kisses me on the lips and we start to get ready since we are looking at houses for the boys today

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i did my make up which was simple

i walk out to go wake the boys up

i see daniel and zach cuddling so i take a picture.

jack walks out with me and we decide to wake them up with water

we get jonah first and he jumps up and laughs

corbyn just gets up like nothing happened

daniel and zach look at each other and daniel falls off the couch.

we laugh except zach and daniel.

logan comes out and yells "HEY CANT A CHOCH GET HIS BEAUTY SLEEP" i just look at him and nod my head no "nothing is gonna make that beautiful"

logan flips me off and walks back into his room

i walk to the kitchen and open the cabinets seeing no food. i roll my eyes

"hey guys do y'all wanna go get breakfast because we start looking at houses"

i hear all of them say yes and jack walks in and puts his arms around my waist. "hi baby"
i smile and turn around placing a kiss on his lips "hi"

we go to the living room to see if the boys are ready which they are so we leave

-skip to looking at houses-

we pull up to 5th house and it is absolutely beautiful "let's go" i jump outta the car with jack right behind me

we knock on the door and a girl opens it and smiles widely "hi i'm aspen and i'm guessing you are the why don't we boys manager"

"nope i'm friends with them" she nodded and smiled at me.

we walked in and it was beautiful

we walked in and it was beautiful

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