Section 2: Chapter 2

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Silvana strode through the white buildings, keeping her eye on the glass dome just in front. Naoki was pulling her back, but before long, she was standing in front of the large marble-and-glass building that was the Lecture hall. She walked into the grey stone courtyard.

This was where the common people went. There were a handful of exhibitions about the history of science to keep them amused. Only scientists and students could actually go inside the building. There weren't that many people, but there were still more than Silvana would have liked. Thankfully, they were all leaning away from her. They were all Elves, and by the looks of the jewels decorating their clothes, they were all very rich. Naoki groaned. Silvana started running towards the main entrance, dragging Naoki along, and the people in front of her parted. In front of her was a tall, blonde man, carrying so many books she could barely see his face. She went flying into him. Somehow, he managed to stay upright. Unfortunately, his books scattered all over the floor, and he let out a groan. He was wearing a tight blue jacket, with cuffs lacy enough to be doilies, and his shiny shoulder length hair complemented the gold detail on his waistcoat. He smelled like lavender. Silvana looked at his face, and her stomach twisted.
He was Sir Jasper Lockhart.
Out of all the scientists in Crystal City, they just had to run into Sir Jasper Lockhart. Naoki collapsed to the floor, turning blue, and Silvana gritted her teeth.


"Yes?" said Sir Lockhart, hand touching the large badge on his chest. His wooden, High Elvish accent was much more pronounced than Silvana remembered. "Do you want to apologise for that," he said, pointing to the books on the floor, "and offer to clean it up?"

Then he looked up.
"Oh. Savage. I was hoping I'd never see you again."

"I was hungry. You weren't going to do anything with the phoenixes,"

Lockhart stepped forward, gesturing wildly, "You threatened to kill me!"

"You were going to blast me with some horrible spell of yours."

Lockhart swallowed, and stood up so he was on the tips of his toes. His hands were in his pockets. He was so close to Silvana that she could read his badge - 'Sir Lockhart, Head Scientist'. That was new.

"Anyway, you're wasting your time," he said, glaring at her, "I don't care. Now clear off."

Silvana drew herself up to her full height. Lockhart stepped backwards, paling slightly. Her hand went to where her bow would usually be.
"First heal my friend,"

"Heal my friend, Sir Lockhart," he said, imitating Silvana, "Save my village, Sir Lockhart. Do this. Do that. I'm a scientist, not a God, although people as obviously uneducated as you could hardly see the difference,"
Silvana stood back. Energy began to crackle from her fingers.

She smiled, "This young humanoid," she said, imitating his posh, curt tones perfectly, "Respires a'fesia, rather than a'vitria like..."

"Yes, yes, yes," said Sir Lockhart, putting his hands in the air. Silvana was grateful he'd stopped her there. She hadn't been sure that the word she was planning to use meant what she thought.

"He came through a gap, didn't he?" said Lockhart

Silvana nodded. Lockhart turned away, "Don't get too attached to him. He'll die."

Silvana sighed, putting her head in her hands. So it was true - Lockhart only cared for himself. She wasn't expecting him to be that weak and petty. Yet, Argenta had told her that weakness was control, if you knew how to exploit it. She looked at his badge again, and smirked.

"You're not good enough."

The noise of chatting died down. Everyone's eyes were on Sir Lockhart.

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