Play with Fire you get Burned

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  • Dedicated to Lola :)

hey, Shelly here. i have been writing this book for awile on paper so i typed it and put it into chapters! Here you go!



My name is Elise and I hate my life.

 I am a werewolf and am 16 going on 17 in two months. So I live with my ‘oh so loving pack. From the time I could talk, I was ‘bullied’ in one EXTREME way. My pack, bully me physically and emotionally. I am a slave to my own home. And that is where I am still now, my very own hell-hole. I am numb to the nasty comments thrown at me, like when they call me fat and ugly. I am dirt on the bottom of the world’s big shoes. Welcome to my sad excuse of a life.


There's the Prologue for yall! Continuing 


Chapter 1: Living Hell

My eyes tiredly opened up. Sighing I rolled painfully out of bed. My bruises and cuts stung as I stepped under the ice cold water. I ‘live’ in the attic of the house, well a 4 story mansion-like house. The entire pack lives here. Quickly stepping out of the shower, I looked around my bathroom size room for some clothes. Finding a baggy pair of sweats, and an old MCR t-shirt, I pulled them over my skin carefully and when it would brush by a wound, I would hiss in pain. Pulling a box out of my wall, I admired the golden locket in it, its all I have of my real parents. I could never pull soothing to beautiful off, so I put it back in the box.  Standing in front of the mirror I saw a underweight, pale, ugly girl with smoky eyes. My red hair was brighter than usual as well as the silver strips in it. Quickly running out the door and down 4 long flights of steps, I came to a train track of hall ways. Turning left I ran down a hallway that led out into the HUGE kitchen where I quickly got to work cooking.

 Today was the Alpha’s son, Blake’s 17th birthday; he would find his mate today. A mate is in another term for soul mate, your other half. I would just love for my mate to sweep me off my feet and take me away from these people. I stirred away the thoughts with the pancake batter.

After a bit, the house began to wake up. I quickly set the table and ran out the front door to walk on my way to school.  Walking through the woods made me calm and focused. After a long scenic walk through the woods my other nightmare decided to show itself, ‘hell-hole 2’. Sighing I trudged up to a shadow away from everyone, just to see a midnight black Lamborghini slide into a parking spot. Humans and werewolf’s crowded, humans didn’t know why Blake was so popular, but they went along with the crowd. A class A slut, Andrea came up to him in her slutty clothes and draped herself over him. I felt anger towards her, freezing I shook the anger away. I didn’t give a shit about him or his slutty girlfriend. The bell rang and I rushed through the hall ways trying to get to class before the rest of the students. Sliding into a window seat in the middle, I slumped in my seat as Blake and Jake came strolling through the doors like they ruled the school, well they did. Scanning over the room, Blake’s eyes landed on mine. We both froze as our inner-wolf screamed, ‘MATE, MATE, MATE’ his surprise covered with disgust as he stopped over to me. “Hello there, little bitch!” He sneered. I looked up again to whimper. “You’re my mate.” I said quietly. With that he belted out laughing causing everything to go quiet and look at us. “Yes ‘because I would be mates with a fat cow like you! Hear that people! She can’t stop lying!!!” he belted out. Every word he said made me flinch back and a sharp pain was sent to my heart. He and Jake went back to their desks laughing their heads off as if it was the funniest thing on the planet. Tears threatened to fall, but I held them back. The teachers choose that moment to come stumbling into the room. He began to teach seconds later.

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